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CMS Systems of Records

A list of CMS' Systems of Records (SOR) as published in the Federal Register and approved by the CMS Chief Operating Officer. Click on the SOR # to see if the SOR is ACTIVE, RETIRED or PROPOSED, to view a description of the SOR and the system(s) utilized for that SOR. Questions regarding a CMS SOR may be directed to the CMS Privacy Officer at or by calling 410-786-5357.


SOR # SOR Acronym SOR Title Status
09-70-0520 PMMIS ESRD Program Management and Medical Information System Active
09-70-0550 RDSP Medicare Retiree Drug Subsidy Program Active
09-70-0552 PWS Medicare Premium Withhold System Active
09-70-0553 DDPS Medicare Drug Data Processing System Active
09-70-0557 TrOOP Medicare True Out-of-Pocket Expenditures System Active
09-70-0558 NCH National Claims History Active
09-70-0564 MPDPF Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder System Active
09-70-0008 NPS National Provider System Active
09-70-0500 HPMS Health Plan Management System Active
09-70-0502 EDB Enrollment Data Base Active
09-70-0503 FISS Fiscal Intermediary Shared System Active
09-70-0505 TPS Third Party System Active
09-70-0510 SHIP-NPR State Health Insurance Assistance Program National Performance Report Active
09-70-0513 MBN Medicare Benefits Notices Active
09-70-0501 MCS Medicare Multi-Carrier Claims System Active
09-70-0515 PRKG Record of Individuals allowed Regular and Special Parking Privileges at the CMS Building Active
09-70-0518 RICKS Record of Individuals Authorized Entry to the CMS Building via a Card Key Access System Active
09-70-0516 CAHII Complaints Against Health Insurance Issuers and Health Plans Active
00-00-0000 none New Routine Use for Breach Notification Active
09-70-0512 LOD Links of SSA and CMS Data Active
09-70-0514 MEDPAR Medicare Provider Analysis and Review Active
09-70-0519 MCBS Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Active
09-70-0521 IRF-PAI Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities - Patient Assessment Instrument Active
09-70-0522 OASIS HHA Outcome and Assessment Information Set Active
09-70-0524 IRIS Intern and Resident Information System Active
09-70-0525 UPIN Unique Physician/Practitioner Identification Number System Active
09-70-0526 CWF Common Working File Active
09-70-0527 FID Fraud Investigation Database Active
09-70-0528 LTC MDS Long Term Care MDS Active
09-70-0529 EBPF Employee Building Pass Files Active
09-70-0530 MSIF Medicare Supplier Identification File Active
09-70-0531 NETT National Emphysema Treatment Trial Active
09-70-0532 PECOS Provider Enrollment Chain and Ownership System Active
09-70-0533 RECON Medicare Managed Care Beneficiary Reconsideration System Active
09-70-0534 MED Medicare Exclusion Database Active
09-70-0535 HELPLINE 1-800 Medicare Choice Active
09-70-0536 MBD Medicare Beneficiary Database Active
09-70-0537 WCSAF Workers Comp Set Aside File Active
09-70-0538 IACS Individuals Authorized Access to CMS Computer Services Active
09-70-0541 MSIS Medicaid Statistical Information System Active
09-70-0542 MLN-REPOS MLN Registration and Product Ordering System Active
09-70-0543 CYPERS Cytology Personnel Record System Active
09-70-0544 HITS HIPAA Information Tracking System Active
09-70-0546 Section 1011 Federal Reimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens Active
09-70-0547 DCSCD Data Collection Secondary to Coverage Decision System Active
09-70-0565 ACTS ASPEN Complaints/Incidents Tracking System Active
09-70-0566 MAS Medicare Appeals System Active
09-70-0568 ODR One Program Integrity Data Repository Active
09-70-0569 PAC-CARE Post-Acute Care Payment Reform / Continuity of Assessment Report Evaluation Active
09-70-0571 IDR Medicare Integrated Data Repository Active
09-70-0572 NDMS National Disaster Medical System Claims Processing System Active
09-70-0573 CCDR Chronic Condition Data Repository Active
09-70-0574 MHS Medicare Health Support System Active
09-70-0575 OPOS Organ Procurement Organizations System Active
09-70-0576 HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level II Active
09-70-0578 PERM Medicaid Program and SCHIP Payment Error Rate Measurement Active
09-70-0580 CMHCB Medicare Care Management for High Cost Beneficiaries Active
09-70-0584 PMRS Performance Measurement and Reporting System Active
09-70-0591 DERS Master Demonstration, Evaluation and Research Studies for ORDI Active
09-70-0593 MFP Money Follows the Person Demonstration Active
09-70-0594 CBA-PRTF Home and Community Based Alternative to Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities Active
09-70-0595 STRIVE Evaluation of Drug Usage Under the Staff Time and Resource Intensity Verification Study Active
09-70-0597 MMDRF Medicare Master Death Records File Active
09-70-0598 MAISTRO Medicare Administrative Issue Tracker and Reporting of Operations System Active
09-70-0599 MIPS Medicaid Integrity Program System Active
09-70-3005 CTMS Correspondence Tracking Management System Active
09-70-4001 MARx Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug System Active
09-70-0560 HIX Health Insurance Exchanges (HIX) Program Active
09-70-0539 LTC QRP Long Term Care Hospitals Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP) Active
09-70-0587 HITECH Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program National Level Repository Active
0560 HIX HIX mod May 29, 2013 Active
09-70-0560 HIX HIX modification October 23, 2013 Active
09-70-0548 HIS Hospice Item Set (HIS) Active
09-70-0507 OPP Open Payments Active