Working with Sandia

Technology Partnerships

Leverage the Resources of Sandia

Business, Industry, & Non-Profits

Sandia cultivates strong partnerships through joint research and technology transfer opportunities.

Partners meeting


Sandia offers technical resources and cutting-edge facilities to help address the current and emerging needs of federal and local governments.

Low water greenhouse


Sandia's goal is to establish enduring partnerships with a focused set of universities to nurture talent, collaborative research, and national advocacy.
Technology partnerships allow community members to leverage Sandia's resources.

Sandia has transferred technology to external partners for more than three decades, and offers partners access to the Labs' science, people and infrastructure. Collaborations with industry, small businesses, universities, and government agencies on emerging technologies support Sandia's primary mission for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration and bring new technologies to the marketplace.

Partnering Options

Non-federal entities may enter into a variety of technology partnerships agreements with Sandia. Federal agencies can engage in an interagency agreement with NNSA to obtain the Labs' unique services under Sandia's management and operating contract with DOE/NNSA.

For additional information or if you have general partnership questions, email

Biofuels research photo

Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)

Sandia and one or more partners outside the federal government collaborate and share the results of a jointly conducted research and development project. Partners can be domestic or foreign and generally come from industry, nonprofit organizations or academia. Find out more.

Commercial License Agreement

Commercial License Agreement

Sandia transfers intellectual property rights to a non-federal partner through a license agreement. Intellectual property includes patent applications, patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Find out more.



Strategic Partnership Projects, Non-Federal Entity (SPP/NFE) Agreements

Sandia performs work on a reimbursable basis for a non-federal entity from private industry, state/local government, nonprofits, or academia. Find out more.



Designated Capability (DC) Agreement

A Sandia organization develops a capability-specific statement of work that can be applied to various FIAs. Find out more.


Livermore Valley Open Campus

Livermore Valley Open Campus

Partner with researchers from Sandia/California and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, academia, and industry to work on today's biggest science and engineering challenges in energy, computing, bioscience, and detection technologies. Find out more.


Center for Collaboration & Commercialization (C3)

Center for Collaboration & Commercialization (C3)

C3 will be an inspiring and energizing place that will serve as the “front door” to Sandia National Laboratories, providing access to the Labs, and building linkages with the community. Find out more.



New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Agreement

The New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Program allows New Mexico small businesses facing a technical challenge to access the unique expertise and capabilities of Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories. At no cost to the business, small businesses with a technical challenge can seek assistance from lab scientists or engineers for projects that require testing, design consultation and access to special equipment or facilities. Find out more.


Partnerships Success Story Videos

Sandia has produced a series of videos that bring to life the visions of companies that are using Sandia technology to better the world. These are stories of commitment, partnerships, and real people solving real problems. The stories are told in the words of the Sandia principal investigators, industry partners, and entrepreneurs who worked together to achieve a common goal. Each story strikes a powerful chord highlighting the various Sandia programs and partnership opportunities.


Technology Transfer Ombuds

The Technology Transfer Ombuds offers an informal process to help resolve issues, concerns, and occasional conflicting needs and interests. These can sometimes surface as part of the laboratories' technology partnerships, patents, intellectual property concerns, and licensing activities. As a designated neutral party, our Ombuds provides confidential, resolution-focused services, and can also offer guidance to other resources for formally reporting and resolving issues. For more Tech Transfer Ombuds information, contact Mauricio (Reese) Ramos at, (925) 294-2065, or Jennifer Stinebaugh at, (505) 844-7638. Additional information is available on the Tech Transfer Ombuds website.


Partnerships Post image

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Commercializing Technologies & Creating Jobs
Highlights three economic development programs that are leveraging the people, technologies, and facilities of the Labs to commercialize technologies and create jobs. (4.1 MB PDF)

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NMSBA Annual Report 2015
Showcases ten NMSBA projects, lists the 366 small businesses in 24 counties who sought out NMSBA for technical assistance, and presents quantitative results. (3.7 MB)

Related Links

  • New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Agreement Sandia provides technical and business assistance to small New Mexico companies in exchange for gross receipts tax credits. Find out more.
  • Sandia Science & Technology Park: Join Albuquerque's science and technology community, and gain access to world-class facilities, scientists, and engineers.
  • DOE Technology Transfer website: Increases technology partnering opportunities among industry, venture capital, and laboratory communities.