Office of the Under Secretary for Science and Energy

  • Energy Innovation Portfolio Plan FY 2018-2022

    DOE conducted a strategic review of its science and energy technology research and development (R&D) programs and identified the future portfolio of investments necessary to ensure U.S. leadership in innovating for the global clean energy future.

  • REPORT: Ensuring Safe and Reliable Underground Natural Gas Storage

    The Interagency Task Force on Natural Gas Storage Safety, established in the wake of last year’s massive natural gas leak at California’s Aliso Canyon site, issued a new report intended to help reduce the risk of future such incidents.

  • DOE Announces GMLC Awards
  • Innovating for Nuclear Energy

    Last week, we gathered 125 nuclear energy experts from academia, industry, the public sector, and the National Laboratories at the Nuclear Innovation Workshop to brainstorm ways the Federal government can employ innovative ideas for utilizing nuclear energy technologies.

  • Working with Cities to Light our Streets Better

    The Presidential Outdoor Lighting Challenge sets a new goal to install 1.5 million LED street lights in American cities in the next two years. To achieve this, mayors are working with DOE through our High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator to benefit from technical expertise and best practices. Learn more about the Presidential Outdoor Lighting Challenge and how your city can partner with DOE to save energy and costs.

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