About Us
Recognition and Awards Program

Welcome to DOE Human Resources Management Division Recognition and Awards Program

Recognition is provided through monetary, non-monetary, and honorary incentives. Criteria reinforcing a quality work ethic are used to award incentives, i.e., Teamwork, Improved Processes, Customer Satisfaction, Environmental Excellence, Leadership, Cost Savings, and Safety. An employee may receive multiple recognition and awards throughout the year, but employees should be recognized only once for an accomplishment. A combination of awards may be used for a single recognition provided that the awards are commensurate with the accomplishment.

Our Recognition and Awards Program went paperless on February 1, 2011, meeting the President’s Initiative to go green (EO 13514). Questions related to the program should be sent to:  ^DOE Recognition

Description of Programs


Thank You Program

An informal honorary award initiated by a Richland Operations Office (RL) or Office of River Protection (ORP) employee which is granted to either an RL/ORP employee, group of employees, or other Federal employee(s). Recognition is for a specific contribution related to official employment.
The recipient's action must meet specific criteria to receive a Thank You.

Two categories are established to identify these actions.  If an employee's ACTION affects their TEAM, DIVISION, and/or ANOTHER EMPLOYEE, the recipient would receive a SILVER award. If the ACTION impacts the ASSISTANT MANAGER, RL/ORP AS A WHOLE, and/or HQ level, the recipient would receive a GOLD award.

SILVER AWARD EXAMPLE: If an employee was on vacation for a week and another employee acted on his/her behalf during that absence, the acting employee could be nominated for a silver award (the action was one employee assisting another employee).

GOLD AWARD EXAMPLE: If an employee had to pull together a report for an Assistant Manager to present to HQ personnel and that report required gathering information from each division within the Assistant Manager's organization, the employee could receive a GOLD award (the action would be retrieving information to present to HQ from each division).

Time Off Program

A non-monetary award initiated by an RL/ORP employee and granted to either an employee, group of employees, or other Department of Energy employee(s). The contribution recognizes a superior accomplishment or other effort that contributes to the quality, efficiency, or economy of Government operations. Awards may be granted for one hour up to 40 hours per contribution. Employees may receive up to 80 hours in a 52-week period and have 52 weeks from receipt of the award to take advantage of the time off. 

Certificate of Appreciation
A one-time nominal achievement by a contractor, RL/ORP employee, or other Federal employee outside RL/ORP may be recognized using the Certificate of Appreciation Program.

On The Spot Program

On-the-Spot awards are a monetary award initiated by an RL/ORP employee who benefits from a contribution made by an employee, group of employees, or other Federal employee(s) outside of RL/ORP. The award recognizes a significant accomplishment performed with exceptional and unexpected speed and quality under difficult or unusual circumstances. Awards are granted for amounts ranging from $25 to $500 per individual.

Suggestion Program

RL/ORP employees may wish to utilize the Suggestion Program to submit a constructive idea which, if adopted by management, directly contributes to the economy, efficiency, or increased effectiveness of Government operations or achieves a significant reduction in paperwork. The Suggestion must include identification of the existing problem and the proposed method for resolution. Subject matter experts assess the suggestion and provide recommendation for adoption or denial. If the suggestion is adopted, you may be considered for an award. Any suggestion submitted by an employee will receive a written report within sixty (60) days. This response will include a decision as to whether or not the suggestion has been accepted in whole or in part as well as an explanation for any portion of the suggestion that cannot be accepted. When a suggestion cannot be decided upon within sixty (60) calendar days, the Employer will be permitted 60-day extensions as long as it provides to the employee a written explanation of why each one is necessary.

Invention/Patent Program

Employees who make an invention related to Government Employment may be eligible for recognition. Employees wishing to obtain a patent on an invention must contact the Office of Chief Counsel. The Office of Chief Counsel will conduct an analysis of the invention to determine novelty and value to the government and may submit a patent application to the U.S. Patent Office for approval. The Office of Chief Counsel will notify the inventor of the approval or disapproval by the U.S. Patent Office. If a patent is issued, the Office of Human Resource Management Services will also be notified, and the employee may be recognized utilizing the criteria defined in the Special Acts or Service Award Program section of this plan.

Airline Savings Program

RL/ORP employees who travel are eligible to participate in the Airline Savings Program. Employees who arrange to use frequent flyer benefits to obtain a "free" coach class airline ticket may receive an award for the savings realized by the Agency. Employees are eligible for an award when they use a free ticket or arrange for another employee to use their free ticket for official travel. The Financial Management Division (FMD) administers this program. Employees wishing to participate should contact FMD.

Length of Service Program

This program is generated from HRM. RL/ORP employees are recognized for years of service to the Federal Government. Employees receive a certificate from their respective Manager, Length of Service pin*, and an informal honorary award item from the Thank You program, depending on the number of years being honored.

5 or 10 years of service - Silver Award from Thank You Program*
15 + years of service - Gold Award from Thank You Program

*5 year recipients do not receive a pin.

Special Act or Service Award

A Special Act or Service Award is initiated by a management official who benefits from a contribution by an RL/ORP employee, a group of employees, or other Federal employees. A Special Act or Service Award in the public interest in connection with or related to official employment is worthy of recognition. Special Act or Service Awards fall into three categories (Bronze, Silver, or Gold). Individuals receiving the group award cannot exceed the maximum dollar threshold for the category being awarded.


Dollar Range

Approval Authority



Division Director


Criteria for Bronze Award: The value to the organization is a contribution to a product, activity, program or service that improves the effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, or service. The contribution must impact the team or division level.


Dollar Range

Approval Authority


$751 - $3,000

Direct Reports to the RL/ORP Deputy Manager or Manager


Criteria for Silver Award: The value to the organization is a contribution to a product, activity, program or service that improves the effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, or service. The contribution must have an impact at the Assistant Manager level, multiple divisions/offices, other DOE Operations/Field Offices, other Federal agencies, or the community.


Dollar Range

Approval Authority


$3,001 - $7,500

RL/ORP Deputy Manager or Manager


Criteria for Gold Award: The value to the organization is a contribution to a product, activity, program or service that improves or defines a new standard of excellence for effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, or service. The contribution must have an impact at the RL organization as a whole, ORP organization as a whole, and/or the HQ level.





Last Updated 05/28/2012 12:38 PM