
WaterLife: Where Rivers Meet the Sea Educational GameWaterLife: Where Rivers Meet the Sea Educational Game

WaterLife: Where Rivers Meet the Sea:

Valerie is worried when her mom falls ill. On her way home from the hospital, a bicycle accident leads her to a new friend, Oscar. This talking otter shows her the way into the Oracle's Estuary. She becomes aware of a magical land with a wise old turtle and Valerie finds herself in a position to help this dying realm. What challenges will she face? How will she get back home? What shadows are watching her progress?

About the WaterLife: Where Rivers Meet the Sea Game

"Today's students are different than students were 15 years ago. They learn differently and they live in media-saturated lives."

people canoeing in an estuary Valerie, Oscar and

Waterlife: Where Rivers Meet the Sea

NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System is embarking on a ground-breaking new educational technology initiative to provide an interactive learning experience for students and an in-depth storyline and endearing characters that students will identify with and remember even after they have finished playing the game. Web-based activities will create opportunities for every learner to know and experience the important work that NOAA does, develop a personal responsibility for caring for the environment, and emphasize the importance of good stewardship for our oceans and coasts.

About the Game

An interactive story based on the estuarine environment introduces what the estuary is, its diverse ecosystems, tidal influences, restoration efforts, marine debris, and personal responsibility and care for environment.

people canoeing in an estuaryRiver Clean Up Challenge

There are four educational gaming challenges:

Trash disposal and recycling.

Removal of water blockages to improve water flow and quality.

Restoration efforts by planting different vegetation for the different tidal zones, tidal influence, and the return of habitat and the food chain.

restoration by planting, rerurning the foodwebHabitat Restoration Game

Fighting trash, debris, and pollutant spills, recognizing different types of trash. Winning this game relies on "knowledge power" acquired by accessing the Field Guide, answering questions, and overall trash clean-up and restoration efforts.

A Field Guide accompanies the game. It contain educational information that assists the user with the story/games and provides links to NOAA's existing educational resources and in-depth information about all topics.

people canoeing in an estuaryLiquid Pollution Monster Battle

Collaboration between NOAA Ocean Service and Montgomery College

This game is a joint project between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Montgomery College. This partnership was created out of the desire to teach science-based, environmental concepts with an exciting new serious gaming medium.

The WaterLife team works out of the NOAA Ocean Service/Education Branch and the Montgomery College/Computer Gaming and Simulation Program. We have an ecclectic team with a variety of skills: programmers, writers, artists, and designers.




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