AWE Resource Library

Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Water Users

The commercial, institutional, and industrial (CII or ICI) sector is the most diverse collection of water users in the urban environment.  This customer category includes stores, supermarkets, office buildings, hotels and motels, schools, universities, car washes, manufacturing, and many other types of customers.  The AWE Resource Library pages listed below offer information on CII water use and conservation savings as well as links to the latest research and information about this important end user category.

CII Indoor

CII Outdoor

Fixtures, Appliances, and Equipment 

Commercial Food Service 

Commercial Laundry Facilities 

Government Buildings and Public Facilities 

Health Clubs and Recreation Centers 

Hotels and Motels 

Laundromats and Common Area Laundry Facilities 


Medical and Health Care Systems 

Office Buildings 

Restroom Fixture Audit 

Schools K - 12 

Schools and Universities 


Vehicle Wash Facilities 

Landscape and Irrigation Library Content Listing 

Golf Course Water Efficiency 

Package Graywater Recovery and Treatment Systems 

Swimming Pools and Spas 

AWE Library Resources

AWE maintains numerous general resource documents on CII water use.  Some of these content items can be accessed from the links below.

Brewers Association, Water and Wastewater: Treatment/Volume Reduction Manual 

Water Research Foundation et al. (2015) Methodology for Evaluating Water Use in the Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Sectors.  

Federal Energy Management Program Water Project Screening Tool
(Tool to screen sites for water efficiency opportunities)

AWE (November 2012) Assessing the Econominc & Environmental Benefits of Industrial Water Use Efficiency within the Great Lakes Region 

KPMG (October 2012) Sustainable Insight Water Scarcity: A Dive into Global Reporting Trends 

State of California Department of Water Resources (July 2014) Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Task Force Best Management Practices Report to the Legislature:
     Executive Summary
     Volume I - A Summary
     Volume II  

WaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities 

Hoekstra, Arjen et al. (2011) The Water Footprint Assessment Manual 

Koeller and Gauley (2010) Top 5 New and Innovative Water-Efficient Products - 2010 

Jones, Adam (2009) The Washup - Which Industries are Really Leading the Way in Water Efficient Cleaning? 

EPA WaterSense Program (August 2009) Water Efficiency in the Commercial and Institutional Sector: Considerations for a WaterSense Program DRAFT 

EBMUD (2008) Watersmart Guidebook - A Water-Use Efficiency Plan Review Guide for New Businesses 

GE Water (2007) Solutions for Sustainable Water Savings - A Guide to Water Efficiency 

CUWCC (2006) Potential Best Management Practices (PBMP) Report – Commercial-Industrial Cooling 

Austin Water Utility (2006) Water Efficient Equipment and Design - A Guide for Non-Residential Construction and Development 

New Mexico (1999) A Water Efficiency Guide for CII Users 

North Carolina (2009) Water Efficiency Manual for CII Facilities 

Definition of Terms

Looking for a quick definition of a water or conservation related term or concept?  The AWE Glossary has an extensive list of the most commonly used terms in the biz.

AWE Glossary of Common Water Related Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions 

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Please send us your ideas for improving the resource library!  Let us know what is missing, what needs to be corrected or updated, and what you would like to see.  Help the Alliance for Water Efficiency to improve the best water efficiency resource on the web!   Please contact us with your suggestions.   Thank you.