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Tracking Bycatch

National Bycatch Report
National Observer Program

Encouraging Innovation

Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program (BREP)
Turtle Excluder Device
Understanding Fishing Gear
Reducing Bycatch

Protected Resources Interactions
Fishery Management Plans
Take Reduction Plans
National Seabird Program

Species Stories
Humpback Whales
How NOAA Works to Free Humpback Whales
California Rockfish
Helping Anglers
Fish Smarter
Short-tailed Albatross
Saving Seabirds in
the U.S. West Coast Groundfish Longline Fishery
Bering Sea Flatfish
Trawl Gear Modification—Preserving Fish Habitat
in the Bering Sea

Alaskan Groundfish & Crab
The Bycatch You
Can’t See
Thresher Sharks
Scientists, Anglers Work Together to Prevent
Thresher Shark Tailspin