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Culture and Education

Beijing American Center

(Formerly American Center for Educational Exchange)

The Beijing American Center (BAC) is the place for cultural activities, educational resources, and offices which coordinate and support the cultural and educational exchanges between China and the United States. Its primary activities are:

  • Lectures, discussions, movie screenings and workshops on a range of subjects that connect Chinese and American interests, covering everything from salsa dancing lessons to American politics.
  • Programs featuring real insights from subject matter experts, such as American authors, historians, journalists, distinguished scholars, prominent business leaders and Fulbright lecturers.
  • Administration and coordination of the China Fulbright program which enables selected Chinese academics and scholars to conduct advanced study or research or obtain graduate degrees in American Studies in the United States. Concurrently, China Fulbright also brings American professors to China where they teach American history, political science, literature, business, economics, journalism, international relations, sociology, culture and law at Chinese universities.
  • Administration and coordination of the educational advising materials, English teaching materials and American Studies collections which are provided to selected institutions, libraries, advising centers and universities.

The Center's American Resource Center contains extensive materials, both literary and technological, covering culture, education and life in the United States.

Contact Information

Beijing American Center
East Gate of the U.S. Embassy

No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: (010) 8531- 4511

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