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Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning

The Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) project delivers standardized, localized energy data and analysis that enables cities to lead clean energy innovation and integrate strategic energy analysis into decision making.

Cities-LEAP supports the widespread implementation of city-sponsored data-driven energy policies, programs, and projects that have the potential to drive a sea change in the national energy landscape. Through Cities-LEAP, cities will be able to:

  • Set climate or energy goals 
  • Prioritize and implement energy strategies
  • See the impacts of potential climate or energy action plans
  • Learn from peers about city energy planning best practices
  • Get access to credible data and transparent, usable analytic methodologies
  • Make data-driven energy decisions.

Project Activities

Cities-LEAP is focused on the following activities. 

Demonstration Cities

Develop and pilot data-driven decision frameworks by local or tribal governments to support their energy and climate goals.

Actions, Goals, and Metrics Mapping

Improve city energy decision making by mapping specific city energy or climate policies and actions to measurable impacts and results.

City Energy Use Profile Tool

Develop an online tool that provides comprehensive, standardized, and usable estimates of local energy use for every city in the United States.

Identify Possible Futures

Outline a vision for what cities could collectively realize by achieving aggressive energy and climate targets.


Cities-LEAP suggests cities use the following resources as part of their energy planning process.

Contact Us

For more information on Cities-LEAP, please contact