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NOAA Workforce Management Office

Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

What is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a professional counseling and referral resource that is available to help you resolve life challenges, large or small.  EAP is administered by the Federal Occupational Health (FOH), a component of the U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services.

You are NOAA's most important asset.  For this reason, EAP is here to assist you in solving problems that can interfere with your life on and off the job.  EAP can assist you in coping with an array of personal issues or problems so that you are happier, more focused, and consequently more productive. Through the EAP, you are offered, at no charge three telephonic counseling sessions to help identify and resolve specific issues of concern and a host of other services and resources highlighted below.

Who's eligible to use EAP?

NOAA employees and their family members are eligible for participation in this program. The FOH EAP defines a family member as any legal dependent, regardless of home address, or significant other living in the employees' household. Family members whose problems are related to the employee's problems may also receive service regardless of whether or not the employee is a client of the EAP. Information will only be released with your written permission, except as required by law. NOAA contractors are not eligible to participate in EAP.

How to do you contact EAP?

You or your eligible family members may contact the EAP directly twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The toll free number is 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848. If the '800'# does not work at your location overseas, call collect at 1-314-387-4701 and the call center will identify the country code and '800' # for that country. The EAP service center staff will guide you to the appropriate resources.

How can EAP assist you?

All EAP services are free and confidential.  While it is impossible to list all of the circumstances that might bring someone to EAP, some of the more common reasons are listed below. You can learn more about EAP at

Counseling Services
EAP's licensed or credentialed professional counselors provide short-term counseling to you and family members. Counselors can also provide referrals to community resources based on needs.

Grief and Loss
Grief is a reaction to a major loss.  It is most often an unhappy and painful emotion.

Substance Use and Abuse
Substance abuse is not a weakness but a treatable disease from which you can recover.

Stress Management
Sometimes stress is brief and highly situational, at other times, it's more persistent. EAP is here to help you deal with stress and stressful situations.

Child Care Resources
When visiting a child care setting, look for specifics that pertain to your child's developmental level.

Health and Wellness Presentations
FOH offers a wide variety of health and wellness presentations and podcasts providing vital information to assist with everyday worklife balance.

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EAP Special Services

EAP offers specialized services that are available for you and your family members. A few are listed below.

Financial Services
Qualified financial consultants provide telephonic consultation on tax information, financial planning, investment strategies and family budgeting.  To learn more please review the financial services brochure:

Legal Services
Free consultation with licensed, practicing attorneys who provide assistance on a wide range of legal issues such as living will preparation, health care power of attorney and divorce.  To learn more please review the legal services brochure:

ID Theft Benefits 
Through the EAP's identity theft services you have access to information on how to prevent identity theft, consultation with specialist, and a Victim Action Kit that includes forms, credit bureau contacts and action plans.

For more information on financial services, legal services and identity theft, please visit: or call 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848 for more information.

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EAP Information and Resources

Resources: EAP resources include program materials, informational brochures and many other valuable resources addressing traumatic life and weather events, legal and financial counseling, stress management, on demand learning and much more. Take advantage of this 24 hour. service at

EAP Brochure :

For hard copies of EAP brochures, please contact Rosa T. Sorrell at

Solutions EAP Newsletter and Poster:     (Previous EAP Newsletters and Posters)

Orientation for Employees

The link provides access to the EAP Employee's Orientation video; a must see at:

EAP Program Overview

You can review information on EAP's Services at:

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Resources for Managers/Supervisors

Orientation for Managers

EAP can also assist in navigating productivity, absenteeism, performance, and conduct concerns while assisting in supporting employee's productivity, identifying issues before they become problems and so much more.  To view the orientation video for managers click: on:

Supervisor's Guide

The EAP Supervisor's Guide will assist you in motivating your employees so they are productive, satisfied, and dedicated to their work, and will address sensitive issues that may be affecting their performance.  To review the Supervisor's Guide click:

Supervisor and Risk Management Consultation

EAP Counselors provide guidance and consultation so that supervisors and managers can effectively identify, interact with, and refer employees with performance or conduct issues to the Program. Please call EAP at 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848 for more information.

Grief Counseling

EAP offers grief counseling that aims in helping people cope with grief and mourning following the death of co-workers.  If you or your staff is in need of grief counseling, for immediate assistance please call EAP directly at 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848 to speak with a counselor.

Critical Incident Response

EAP offers assistance with exposure to threats, acts of violence, natural disasters, injury, or death calls for immediate response.  EAP's trained critical incident stress management (CISM) counselors assist in management consultations. Please call EAP at 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848 for more information.

Management Coaching Program

The EAP's Management Coaching program will help you develop skills to be a better leader in today's workforce.  The program focuses on maximizing your strengths to improve performance and enhance your quality of life.

Management Coaching sessions are voluntary, personal (one-on-one), and confidential.  All appointments with professional coaches are conducted by phone. To schedule an appointment, just call the EAP at 800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848 or visit the web site at:

Solutions Quarterly Manager's Newsletter:     (Previous Solutions Quarterly Manager's Newsletters)

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Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is EAP?

  2. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a professional resource that is available to help you resolve life challenges, be they large or small.  EAP is administered by the Federal Occupational Health (FOH), a component of the U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services.

  3. When Can I call EAP?

  4. You can call EAP 24hrs a day, 7days a week toll free at 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848. If the '800'# does not work at your location overseas, call collect at 1-314-387-4701 and the call center will identify the country code and '800' # for that country.

  5. What should I expect when I call EAP?

  6. When you call EAP you will be connected to a Customer Service Representative who will assist you in accessing your need for services.

  7. Is EAP Free?

  8. EAP is a free service to all NOAA employees and their immediate family members.

  9. What are my EAP benefits?

  10. Employees and their family members are entitled to short-term counseling for up to three (3) telephonic sessions with an EAP Counselor. Services include:

    Assessment: Counseling sessions to identify the nature and extent of an employee's concerns.

    Short-term, Solution Focused Problem Solving: EAP counseling to resolve problems that can be best addressed on a short-term basis.

    Referrals: Identification of community, support, and educational resources.

    Follow-up: The monitoring of an employee's progress during and after receiving assistance. The length and type of follow-up is determined by the needs of the employee.

    Emergency Information and Referrals: Information, resources and referrals that are given during an emergency situation.

  11. What about confidentiality?

  12. The EAP is confidential. EAP records and conversations between an EAP counselor and an employee are private in accordance with both state and federal laws, including the Privacy Act of 1974 and applicable Confidentiality Regulations (42 CFR, Part 2). However, as required by law, counselors must report life-threatening situations, such as child or elder abuse or threats of serious harm to oneself or others.

  13. Are contract employees eligible for EAP?

  14. No, EAP is only available to NOAA employees and their family members. There may be times, however, when EAP is called to assist with the mental health emergencies of non-federal employees. In these situations, FOH EAP will provide limited emergency stabilization for contract employees.

  15. Will I be charged leave when I use the EAP?

  16. Periods of excused absence may be granted to an employee for participation in the EAP for problem identification and referral to an outside resource. In addition, employees may be granted excused absence for general employee orientation or education activities (e.g., program briefings, general orientations, seminars, etc.). During any period(s) of treatment and rehabilitation through an outside resource, employees should consider the use of annual leave, sick leave or leave without pay.

  17. 9. Does my supervisor have to know that I am using the EAP?

  18. No. You can schedule appointments after work or at times convenient to both you and your supervisor.

  19. If I'm referred to EAP by my supervisor, does my supervisor have to know what happened in the session?

  20. No. Information about an employee's EAP session will not be released to a supervisor without the employee's written consent, regardless of the nature of the referral, except in very limited situations (e.g. when an employee uses the EAP during work hours, the EAP will confirm that the employee participated in an EAP session.) Employees are not compelled or required to release information about their contact with EAP to supervisors.

  21. Where do I go if dealing with Grief and Loss?

  22. Grief is a powerful emotion that can accompany any type of loss, including the death of a loved one, a divorce or loss of a job. Becoming familiar with the grieving process can help you understand what you're feeling. Please visit for more information or call EAP at toll free number is 1-800-222-0364 or for the hearing impaired, TTY 1-800-262-7848. If the '800'# does not work at your location overseas, call collect at 1-314-387-4701 and the call center will identify the country code and '800' # for that country. 

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Page last edited: December 29, 2016

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