Mauritania National Flag


Language: English

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About Mauritania

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, a country with a large land mass of one million square kilometers but a relatively small population of 3.8 million people, is contending with high youth unemployment (15.6% for men and 20.5% for women), high poverty (31%), and a relative lack of formal education. 

Because Mauritania imports 70% of its food, rising world food prices threaten economic and food security – particularly for the 40% of the population that lives below the poverty line.  Furthermore, longstanding disparities between social classes and issues with trafficking in persons compromise respect for human rights.  The presence of extremist groups around Mauritania’s borders pose ongoing security challenges, threatening the stability established since the 2009 democratic elections in the country.  In addition, more than 56,000 Malian refugees remain in Mauritania, further straining the fragile natural resources of the country.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID Representative
+222 4525 2660 x4441

USAID Contact

Madeline Roth
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
, DC 

Last updated: August 10, 2020

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