Cowlitz Falls Hydroelectric Project

Columbia River Basin; Cowlitz River, Lewis County, Washington

Project Profile

This dam is 140 feet high and spans about 700 feet across the Cowlitz River. It affects ESA-listed fish by inundating their habitat, stranding and entrapping them, elevating temperatures in Lake Scanewa, and other harmful actions.

Listed Species

Lower Columbia River Chinook

Lower Columbia River coho

Lower Columbia River steelhead


Lewis County Public Utility District No. 1 

FERC Relicensing Status

FERC issued the license in 1986 and the dam was completed in 1994.  NMFS completed a biological opinion on June 2, 2009.  Bonneville Power Administration constructed and oversees operation of a downstream facility that collects fish at the dam. 


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-2833

NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion dated June 2, 2009; NMFS Consultation No. 2002/00945

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