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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Enforcement

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Division of Analytics and Surveillance

Performs surveillance and analysis of data relating to physical natural gas and electric power markets and related financial products. Develops and implements surveillance tools to detect potential manipulation, anticompetitive behavior, and other anomalous activity. Identifies potential subjects of nonpublic investigations that are conducted in conjunction with the Division of Investigations. Conducts forensic analysis of complex market data and information to assist in determining whether manipulation or other improper conduct occurred or is occurring.


  • Develops surveillance tools to review available market data to identify behavior that may violate Commission rules.

  • Conducts continuous surveillance of natural gas and electric power markets.

  • Identifies potential investigative subjects based on surveillance tools.

  • Conducts the technical forensic analysis of market data needed for investigations, particularly those involving potential market manipulation.

  • Determines what information is needed to assess and oversee developing energy markets and the areas where energy markets interact. Periodically reviews information needs to guide changes in information collection.

  • Develops and implements new techniques to enhance electric power and natural gas market surveillance.

  • Establishes and maintains contact with other Federal agencies and RTOs/ISOs that aid in surveillance of the energy markets.

  • Drafts orders, rulemakings, and associated memoranda and advises the Commission on matters pertaining to energy market surveillance and analysis.

  • Advises the Commission on the efficacy of its current regulatory policies in light of evolving energy markets and makes certain the Commission has the information needed to oversee the markets effectively.

  • Provides technical analysis to the Commission and its various Offices.