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Loan Advisor Suite

Loan Advisor Suite

A simpler, better way to do business – designed through a lender's lens.

Moving Housing Forward

Moving Housing Forward

See how we're building a better Freddie Mac and a better housing finance system.

By The Numbers

Over the last year...

we helped 1.5 Million people buy or refinance their home
we helped 256 Thousand first-time homebuyers realize
the dream of homeownership
we provided $395 Billion in mortgage funding to support the housing market
we offered our 3% down payment program, expanding access to credit for qualified buyers

See how our progress is Moving Housing Forward

Economic & Housing Research

Primary Mortgage Market Survey®

Freddie Mac surveys lenders each week on the rates, fees and points for the most popular mortgage products.

Average Mortgage Rates as of January 12, 2017

30-Yr FRM 15-Yr FRM 5/1-Yr ARM
4.12% 3.37% 3.23%
0.5 Fees/Points 0.5 Fees/Points 0.5 Fees/Points

Next Rate Update on January 19, 2017

Weekly Survey Archive

Freddie Mac Multi-Indicator Market Index®

MiMi measures the stability of local housing activity for all states, the top 100 metros, and the nation.

National - October, 2016 This Month
Monthly Change

See how your local market is faring

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