Putting Children First


Already a Kellogg Foundation grantee? Welcome. We appreciate the opportunity to work together to help vulnerable children and their families succeed in school, work and life.

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Considering us as a partner in your work? We look forward to hearing your ideas for helping vulnerable children and their families succeed in school, work and life.

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Putting Children First

Grantees Grantseekers

Educated Kids

When families, schools and communities work together, children have a greater chance at achieving early educational success. Through the work of these organizations, we believe we can empower parents and address the needs of families. That is one of the core components of our work - giving children a strong educational foundation and the chance to reach their full potential.

David Bryant | W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

In our next step in pursuit of racial equity, an unprecedented Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) will help communities embrace racial healing and uproot the unconscious and conscious beliefs in racial hierarchy. We need your voice, we need your truth.

Learn More About TRHTWatch TRHT Summit Video

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“Empleen el dinero del modo en que crean conveniente, siempre y cuando promueva la salud, la felicidad y el bienestar de los niños.” - Will Keith Kellogg

“Sèvi ak lajan an jan w vle depi se sante timoun, byennèt timoun ak kè kontan pou timoun w ap ankouraje.” - W.K. Kelòg