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NOAA Workforce Management Office

Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

Special Act or Service Awards

Special Act or Service awards may be granted to an employee, or group of employees, to recognize accomplishments in the public interest related to official duties, suggestions, inventions, or personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy, or improvements in Government operations. Special Act Awards may be granted for specific achievement(s) or a period of exceptional productivity at any time during the performance year, for accomplishments that may or may not be covered in the individual's performance plan. Special Act or Service Awards may be appropriate in situations such as:

All NOAA employees are eligible to receive Special Act or Service Awards with the exception of the following:

To be eligible to receive awards, employees must have current ratings of "Meets or Exceeds," or "Eligible."

Employees under the Commerce Alternative Personnel System (CAPS) CAPS employees are eligible to be awarded with annual performance bonuses which can be granted for achievements outside of the employee's performance plan, thus replacing the Special Act or Service Awards. CAPS employees may be eligible to receive Special Act or Service awards under special circumstances when the special act or service performed is beyond the employee's performance plan, but should be rare.

Award Values and Limitations

Submitting a Nomination

Page last edited: December 27, 2016

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