Congress Profiles

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18th Congress (1823–1825)

Congressional Profile

Total Membership:

  • 213 Representatives
  • 3 Delegates

Party Divisions:*

  • 72 Adams-Clay Republicans
  • 64 Jackson Republicans
  • 53 Crawford Republicans
  • 15 Adams-Clay Federalists
  • 7 Jackson Federalists
  • 2 Crawford Federalists

*Party division totals are based on election day results.

Congress Overview

President James Monroe’s annual message to the 18th Congress (1823–1825) warned Europe against interfering with Western Hemisphere nations—a foreign policy agenda known today as the Monroe Doctrine. Speaker Henry Clay outlined a plan for a national system on internal improvements (roads, canals, harbors). When no candidate won a majority of the Electoral College in 1824, the House—as required by the Constitution— elected John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson who had received more popular votes. When Adams named Clay his Secretary of State, the Jacksonians charged that a “corrupt bargain” had decided the election.

Member Information

  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, (1774–2005), Official Annotated Membership Roster by State with Vacancy and Special Election Information for the 18th Congress. [PDF]

Learn more about the People of the People's House

Leadership & Officers

Speaker of the House:
Henry Clay (D–Kentucky) 1
Clerk of the House:
Matthew St. Clair Clarke
Sergeant at Arms:
Thomas Dunn
Chaplain of the House:
Henry Biddleman Bascom – Methodist
John Brackenridge – Presbyterian
Reuben Post – Presbyterian
Benjamin Birch

To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, visit the People section


1Resigned from the House of Representatives, March 6, 1825.