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The U.S.–China Sub-National Initiative

U.S.-China Sub-National Cooperation

The U.S. Mission to China has launched an interagency U.S. government team to promote cooperation between American and Chinese sub-national leaders. We are pleased to provide tailored programs and services to U.S. governors visiting China. We can assist you to promote trade and investment, people to people exchanges and eco-partnerships, and to facilitate provincial contacts, country briefings, and media outreach. For more information, contact our sub-national team at

Secretary Clinton and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi signed a Memorandum of Understanding supporting U.S.-China sub-national cooperation on January 19, 2011. This memorandum supports the establishment of a U.S.-China Governors Forum by the National Governors Association and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).