
  • Frontlines: Focus on Resilience

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  • Building Resilience to Recurrent Crisis: USAID Policy and Program Guidance [PDF, 573kB]

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  • The Resilience Agenda [PDF]

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USAID Resilience
USAID Resilience
Makhtar Diop - USAID
World Bank Vice President for Africa Makhtar Diop on Resilience
Resilience Launch Video
Sahel and Horn of Africa Joint Planning Cell

Find Out More

The Resilience Agenda [PDF]

Policy & Program Guidance Summary [PDF]

Global Alliance for Action [PDF]

Sahel Joint Planning Cell [PDF]

While we cannot stop shocks from happening, USAID can – and is committed to – do more to help people withstand them. The Agency has been at the vanguard of international efforts to build resilience to recurrent crisis in support of effective country-led plans and in partnership with the international community.

USAID defines resilience as the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to mitigate, adapt to and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth.

More Information

Assistant Administrator Nancy Lindborg Addresses World Food Program on February 20, 2013
Remarks by Nancy Lindborg, assistant administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, at the high-level event on issues confronting the Sahel at the World Food Program meeting in Rome, Italy.

USAID SAID Staff Featrued in DEVEX Webinar on Resilience
Nancy Lindborg, assistant administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance and Tony Pipa, deputy assistant administrator for the Bureau of Policy, Planning, and Learning, discuss USAID's Resilience policy.

USAID's New Way of Doing Business
Devex blog post on release of USAID's new Resilience policy.

The Story Behind USAID's New Resilience Strategy
Devex video with Devex President Raj Kumar at the 2012 European Development Days speaking with Assistant Administrator Nancy Lindborg on some of the behind-the-scenes activities that led to the crafting of the Resilience strategy.

Resilience: Safety Net for Reducing Hunger and Malnutrition
David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World, writes in the Impact Blog about our new Resilience Policy.

Putting People at the Heart of Resilience
Raymond Offenheiser, President, Oxfam America, writes in the Impact Blog about our new Resilience Policy.

Does the New Resilience Policy Have Staying Power?
Neal Keny-Guyer, Mercy Corps CEO, writes in the Impact Blog about our new Resilience Policy.

Chronic Crisis in the Sahel Calls for a New Approach
USAID Assistant Administrator writes in Huffington Post on our new way of doing business.

Joint IGAD Ministerial Communique
Communique for the Joint IGAD Ministerial and High Level Development Partners on Drought Resilience in the Horn of Africa (pdf, 148kb).

Malawi: Resilience in the face of persistent drought.
USAID and Catholic Relief Services program have played a key role in tackling chronic food insecurity and building resilience in the face of this persistent drought.

From Conflict to Coping: Mercy Corps and Resilience in Ethiopia
When local conflict was addressed, people were far better equipped to survive the drought in Ethiopia.


Last updated: February 28, 2013

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