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Maintaining, Repairing, and Upgrading

Budgeting for Home Maintenance

As a homeowner, you'll need to save money for home maintenance. Similar to owning a car, your home will need regular upkeep to keep it safe and in great shape.  It's your biggest investment – protect it.

Adding Value through Remodeling

If you’re thinking about remodeling, be sure to ask yourself how long you plan to be in the home and if it’s an investment in your lifestyle. Remodeling can be expensive and it’s difficult to recoup your investment when you sell your home.

Getting Help with a Natural Disaster

If your home or place of business has been harmed by a natural disaster, call your lender/servicer immediately to discuss mortgage relief.

Owning Resources


Home Maintenance

Use this worksheet to help you identify any home maintenance issues and repair them before they become problematic and expensive.

 What Home Means to Me

Darlene - Portland, OR

The Latest in Owning


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