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Welcome! The purpose of this forum is to provide keyword users and metadata providers with an area for discussion of topics related to the GCMD Keywords. Participants are invited to use this forum to ask questions, submit keyword requests, discuss trade-offs, and track the status of keyword requests.


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How To Use This Forum

To post, an Earthdata Login account is required.

Directions for Using the Forum
  1. To Create a New Topic: Click "New Topic". 

  2. To Join the Discussion on a Topic: Click an existing topic and then enter your text in the "Write a Comment" box.

  3. Search for Information: The entire GCMD Keywords User Forum may be searched using the box in the top left corner of the page. The entire Earthdata Wiki may be searched using the box in the top right corner of the page.

  4. To subscribe to this forum, click the 'Watching' link on the top right-hand side of the forum page.
Requirements for Posting to the Forum

This forum is intended strictly for the use of sharing information about Global Change Master Directory keywords. Export controlled, privileged, or proprietary information that is protected under U.S. Export Control Laws and Regulations shall NOT be disclosed through this forum. The party responsible for posting must ensure that the information posted complies with U.S. Export Control Laws  and/or has received an appropriate export control clearance from a qualified export control administrator. Please post carefully to NOT include technical data – information which is required for the design, development, production, manufacture, assembly, operation, repair, testing, maintenance, or modification of instrumentation. For more information please visit
NASA makes no representations or warranties regarding the information posted



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