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Office of Administrative Law Judges
Labor Board of Contract Appeals Rules

Note: The Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals issued its last decision on January 5, 2007. Effective January 7, 2007, the Labor BCA and seven other civilian BCAs were consolidated under a new Civilian Board of Contract Appeals. See Section 847 of the FY 2006 Defense Authorization Act (Pub. L. No. 109-63).

These regulations are no longer printed in the Code of Federal Regulations, but may have some limited applicability. See History of DOL's BCA Rules for additional explanation. See also Glengarry, Inc., 2001-BCA-1 (LBCA Aug. 29, 2001).


29-60.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 29-60.1 - General Policy; Establishment and Functions of the Board of Contract Appeals

29-60.100 Designation and establishment.
29-60.101 Organization and location of the Board.
29-60.102 Jurisdiction for considering appeals.
29-60.103 Powers of the Board.
29-60.104 Board of Contract Appeals procedure.
29-60.104-1 Rules.
29-60.104-2 Administration and interpretation of rules.
29-60.104-3 Preliminary procedures.
29-60.104-4 Delegation of authority.
29-60.104-5 Time, computation, and extensions.
29-60.104-6 Representation of parties.

Subpart 29-60.2 - Rules of the Department of
Labor Board of Contract Appeals

29-60.201 Notice of appeal.
29-60.202 Contents of notices of appeal.
20-60.203 Forwarding of appeals.
29-60.204 Acknowledgment of appeal and distribution.
29-60.205 Appeal file.
29-60.205-1 Preparation and submission.
29-60.205-2 Notification to appellant.
29-60.206 Pleadings.
29-60.206-1 Complaint.
29-60.206-2 Answer.
29-60.206-3 Amendment of pleadings.
29-60.207 Motions.
29-60.207-1 Types.
29-60.207-2 For lack of jurisdiction.
29-60.208 Hearing election.
29-60.209 Prehearing briefs.
29-60.210 Prehearing conference.
29-60.211 Submission without a hearing.
29-60.212 Optional accelerated procedure.
29-60.213 Closing of the record.
29-60.213-1 Time of submission for decision.
29-60.213-2 Record bases for decision.
29-60.213-3 Availability of record.
29-60.214 Depositions.
29-60.214-1 When permitted.
29-60.214-2 Orders on depositions.
29-60.214-3 Use as evidence.

29-60.214-4 Expenses.
29-60.215 Interrogatories to parties, production and inspection of documents.
29-60.215-1 Interrogatories to parties.
29-60.215-2 Production and inspection of documents.
29-60.216 Service of papers.
29-60.217 Hearings.
29-60.217-1 Where and when held.
29-60.217-2 Notice of hearings.
29-60.217-3 Unexcused absence of a party.
29-60.217-4 Nature of hearings.
29-60.217-5 Examination of witnesses.
29-60.217-6 Copies of papers.
29-60.217-7 Posthearing submission.
29-60.217-8 Transcript of proceedings.
29-60.217-9 Withdrawal of exhibits.
29-60.218 Representation of parties.
29-60.218-1 Representation of appellant.
29-60.218-2 Representation of Government.
29-60.219 Decisions of the Board.
29-60.220 Motions for reconsideration.
29-60.221 Dismissal without prejudice.
29-60.222 Remands from courts.
29-60.223 Standards of conduct.

Subpart 29-60.3 - Transitional provisions

29-60.301 Appeals in progress.

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15 FR 3174, 64 Stat. 1263, 5 U.S.C. Appendix.

Source: 37 FR 14303, June 19, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

§ 29-60.000 Scope of part.

This part establishes a permanent Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals (referred to hereafter as the Board), delegates authority to the Board to hear and decide, pursuant to prescribed policies and procedures, appeals from formal decisions of contracting officers and other officials of the Department of Labor arising under disputes provisions of contracts awarded by the Department, and sets forth the rules of the Board. This part terminates a prior delegation (36 FR 5691) of such appellate and review functions to the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals, except with respect to cases currently pending before such Board.

Subpart 29-60.1 - General Policy; Establishment and Functions of the Board of Contract Appeals

§ 29-60.100 Designation and establishment

A permanent Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals is hereby established. The Board shall be composed of members selected and appointed as provided in § 29-60.101 and is designated as the authorized representative of the Secretary of Labor to hear and decide appeals within its jurisdiction as set forth in § 29-60.102 and to perform the designated functions in connection threwith as provided in this part.

§ 29-60.101 Organization and location of the Board.

(a) The Board is located in Washington, D.C.
(b) The Board consists of the Chief Administrative Law Judge and other Administrative Law Judges employed by the U.S. Department of Labor as provided in 5 U.S.C. 5108 and qualified to preside at hearings pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 556. The Chief Administrative Law Judge shall be the Chairman of the Board. The appeals are assigned to a panel of at least three members of the Board by the Chairman who shall designate one panel member as Chairman of the panel. The decision of a majority of the panel constitutes the decision of the Board.
(c) In the event the Chief Administrative Law Judge is temporarily unavailable to serve as Chairman of the Board he shall designate one associate member to serve for the duration of his absence.

(41 FR 35186, Aug. 20,1976)

§ 29-60.102 Jurisdiction for considering appeals.

(a) Except as stated in paragraph (b) of this section, the Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals (referred to herein as "the Board") shall consider and determine appeals from decisions of contracting officers and other officials of the Department of Labor arising under contracts which contain provisions requiring the determination of appeals by the head of the agency or his duly authorized representative. The Board has authority to determine appeals falling within the scope of its jurisdiction as fully and finally as might the Secretary himself. (1) When an appeal is taken pursuant to a disputes clause in a contract which limits appeals to disputes concerning questions of fact, the Board may in its discretion hear, consider, and decide all questions of law necessary for the complete adjudication of the issue.
(b) The authority of the Board does not apply to any matters arising from disputes relating to equal employment opportunity and labor standards.

§ 29-60.103 Powers of the Board.

(a) The Board shall have all the powers of the Secretary of Labor necessary or appropriate to the exercise of the jurisdiction and the performance of the duties provided in para-
graph (a) of § 29-60.102, including but not limited to:
(1) The power to administer oaths and affirmations;
(2) The power to conduct hearings, examine and cross-examine witnesses and to call witnesses;
(3) The power to rule upon offers of proof and admissibility of evidence;
(4) The power to regulate the course of hearings and the conduct of the parties and their representatives therein;
(5) The power to rule upon all motions;
(6) The power to grant or order oral argument before the Board or its designated panel at any stage of the proceeding,
(7) The power to make decisions in conformity with this part;
(8) The power to hold conferences for the settlement, clarification and simplification of issues; and
(9) The power and authority pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 304, to apply to the appropriate U.S. District Court for the issuance of a subpoena to compel the attendance of a witness at a board hearing or for the purpose of obtaining the formal testimony of such witness or to compel the production of other evidentiary material necessary for a proper adjudication of the case.

§ 29-60.104 Board of Contract Appeals procedure.

§ 29-60.104-1 Rules.

Appeals referred to the Board are handled in accordance with the rules of the Board (see Subpart 29-60.2).

§ 29-60.104-2 Administration and interpretation of rules.

Emphasis is placed upon the sound administration of these rules in specific cases, because it is impracticable to articulate a rule to fit every possible circumstance which may be encountered. These rules will be interpreted so as to secure a just and inexpensive determination of appeals without unnecessary delay.

§ 29-60.104-3 Preliminary procedures.

Preliminary procedures are available to encourage full disclosure of relevant and material facts, and to discourage unwarranted surprise.

§ 29-60.104-4 Delegation of authority.

The Chairman of the Board may authorize and direct any individual member of the Board to hold prehearing conferences and/or hearings and receive evidence and arguments in its stead, and to certify the record of the proceedings to the designated panel. The Board member acting pursuant to such authority may exercise any of the powers vested in the Board which are necessary to the proper performance of the functions assigned to him by the Chairman of the Board.

§ 29-60.104-5 Time, computation, and extensions.

(a) All time limitations specified for various procedural actions are computed as maximums, and are not to be fully exhausted if the action described can be accomplished in a lesser period.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, in computing any period of time prescribed by these rules or by any order of the Board, the day of the event from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included, but the last day of the period shall be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, in which event the period shall run to the end of the next business day.
(c) Except for the period prescribed for filing notices of appeal and requests for reconsideration, an extension of time may be granted by the Board upon written motion by the requesting party stating good cause for such an extension.

§ 29-60.104-6 Representation of parties.

Reference to contractor, appellant, contracting officer, Government, and parties shall include respective representatives of the parties: Provided, The appropriate notices of appearance have been filed with the Board. An appellant may appear before the Board in person or may be represented by counsel or by any other duly authorized representative.

Subpart 29-60.2 - Rules of the Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals

§ 29-60.201 Notice of appeal.

Notice of an appeal must be in writing and may be in the form of a letter to the Secretary of Labor. The original notice of appeal, together with two copies, addressed to the Secretary, shall be filed with the contracting officer from whose decision the appeal is taken. The notice of appeal must be mailed or otherwise filed within the time specified therefor in the contract.

§ 29-60.202 Contents of notices of appeal.

A notice of appeal, which may be in the form of a letter, should indicate that an appeal is thereby intended, should identify the decision and the date thereof, from which the appeal is taken, and should furnish the number of the contract in dispute. The appeal should describe the nature of the dispute involved in the decision and the relief sought, the contract provisions involved, and any other additional information or comments relating to the dispute which are considered to be important. The notice of appeal should be signed personally by the appellant (the prime contractor making the appeal) or by an officer of the appellant corporation, or member of the appellant firm, or by the contractor's duly authorized representative or attorney.

§ 29-60.203 Forwarding of appeals.

When a notice of appeal is received by the contracting officer, he shall transmit, directly to the Board, the original of the notice of appeal, together with the original of the envelope in which the notice of appeal was received with the date of receipt stamped thereon, and any receipt from the appellant showing the date of receipt of the decision of the contracting officer, or shall furnish information as to the date when his decision was received by the appellant. A copy of the same material shall be simultaneously furnished to the Solicitor of Labor. When the Board receives the original or copy of a notice of appeal from a source other than the contracting officer, the contracting officer shall be advised promptly, given a copy of the notice, and shall be requested to follow the same procedure as if he had received the notice directly from the appellant.

§ 29-60.204 Acknowledgment of appeal and distribution.

After the Board receives a notice of appeal, it will promptly acknowledge receipt thereof to the appellant, who shall be furnished a copy of these rules. The Board simultaneously willtransmit copies of appropriate documents to the contracting officer, and the Solicitor of Labor.

§ 29-60.205 Appeal file.

§ 29-60.205-1 Preparation and submission.

Following receipt of the notice of appeal, or advice that an appeal has been filed, the contracting officer shall promptly, and in any event within 30 days, compile and transmit to the Board an appeal file consisting of copies of all documents pertinent to the appeal, together with an index listing the documents. The contracting officer shall simultaneously transmit two copies of the appeal file to the Solicitor of Labor and shall retain one copy in his office. There should be included:
(a) The decision from which the appeal is taken and any findings of fact made in connection therewith and the letter or letters or other documents of claim in response to which the decision was issued;
(b) The contract and pertinent plans, specifications, amendments, and change orders;
(c) Correspondence between the parties and other data pertinent to the appeal;
(d) Transcripts of any testimony taken during the course of proceedings, and affidavits or statements of any witnesses on the matter in dispute made prior to the filing of the notice of appeal with the Board; and
(e) Such additional information may be considered material.

§ 29-60.205-2 Notification to appellant.

Upon receipt of the foregoing appeal file, the Board shall notify the appellant, provide him with a listing of its contents, and shall afford him an opportunity to examine the complete compilation at the office of the contracting officer, or at the office of the Board, for the purpose of satisfying himself as to the contents, and furnishing or suggesting any additional documentation deemed pertinent to the appeal. The Board also will promptly advise the parties regarding any later documentation of the appeal file.

§ 29-60.206 Pleadings.

§ 29-60.206-1 Complaint.

Within 30 days after receipt of notice of docketing of the appeal by the Board, the appellant shall file with the Board an original and two copies of a complaint setting forth simple, concise, and direct statements of each claim, alleging the basis with appropriate reference to contract provisions for each claim, and the dollar amount claimed. Upon receipt thereof, the Board shall serve a copy upon the Solicitor of Labor. Should a complaint not be mailed or otherwise filed within 30 days, appellant's claim and notice of appeal shall be deemed to set forth its complaint and the Solicitor of Labor shall be so notified.

§ 29-60.206-2 Answer.

Within 30 days from receipt of said complaint, or the aforesaid notice from the Board, the Solicitor of Labor shall prepare and file with the Board an original and two copies of an answer thereto, setting forth simple, concise, and direct statements of its defenses to each claim asserted by appellant. This pleading shall set forth any affirmative defenses or counterclaims, as appropriate. Upon receipt thereof, the Board shall serve a copy upon appellant.

§ 29-60.206-3 Amendment of pleadings.

The Board may, in its discretion, and within the proper scope of the appeal, permit or require either party to amend its pleading upon conditions just to both parties. When issues within the proper scope of the appeal, but not raised by the pleadings or documentation described in § 29-60.206, are tried by express or implied consent of the parties, or by permission of the Board they shall be treated in all respects as if they had been raised therein. In such instances, motions to amend the pleadings to conform to the proof may be entered, but are not required. If evidence is objected to at a hearing on the ground that it is not within the issues raised by the pleadings or the appeal file (which shall be deemed part of the pleadings for this purpose), it may be admitted within the proper scope of the appeal: Provided, however, That the objecting party may be granted a continuance, if necessary, to enable him to meet such evidence.

§ 29-60.207 Motions.

§ 29-60.207-1 Types.

The Board may entertain the following motions:
(a) To dismiss for lack of jurisdiction;
(b) To dismiss the appeal for failure by the contractor to state a claim for which relief can be granted;
(c) To dismiss the appeal for failure of the contractor to prosecute;
(d) To grant the appeal for failure of the Government to prosecute its defense; or
(e) Such other motions as may be appropriate.

§ 29-60.207-2 For lack of jurisdiction.

Any motion addressed to the jurisdiction of the Board, and any reply thereto, shall be promptly filed. Oral argument on the motion shall be afforded an application of either party, unless the Board determines that its decision on the motion will be deferred pending hearing on both the merits and the motion. The Board shall have the right at any time, and on its own motion, to raise the issue of its jurisdiction to proceed with a particular case, and shall do so by an appropriate order, affording the parties an opportunity to be heard thereon.

§ 29-60.208 Hearing election.

Upon receipt of the Government's answer, appellant promptly shall advise the Board whether it desires a hearing, as prescribed in § 29-60.217, or whether in the alternative it elects to submit its case on the record without a hearing, as prescribed in § 29-60.211. In appropriate cases, the appellant also shall elect whether it desires the optional accelerated procedure prescribed in § 29-60.212. The Government also shall have the right to request a hearing, and the Board may direct that a hearing be held upon its own motion.

§ 29-60.209 Prehearing briefs.

Based on an examination of the documentation described in the pleadings, and a determination of whether the arguments and authorities addressed to the issues are adequately set forth therein, the Board may, in its discretion, require the parties to submit prehearing briefs in any case in which a hearing has been elected pursuant to § 29-60.208. In the absence of a Board requirement therefor, either party may, in its discretion and upon appropriate and sufficient notice to the other party, furnish a prehearing brief to the Board. In any case where a prehearing brief is submitted, it shall be furnished so as to be received by the Board at least 15 days prior to the date set for hearing, and a copy shall simultaneous be furnished to the other party as arranged.

§ 29-60.210 Prehearing conference.

Whether the case is to be submitted pursuant to § 29-60.211, or heard pursuant to § 29-60.217, the Board may upon its own initiative, or upon the application of either party, call upon the parties to appear before a member of the Board for a conference to consider:
(a) The simplification or clarification of the issues;
(b) The possibility of obtaining stipulations, admissions, agreements on documents, understandings on matters already of record, or similar agreements which will avoid unnecessary proof;
(c) The limitation of the number of expert witnesses, or avoidance of similiar cumulative evidence, if the case is to be heard;
(d) The possibility of agreement disposing of all or any of the issues in dispute; and
(e) Such other matters as may aid the disposition of the appeal.

Such conferences shall be on the record at the discretion of the presiding Board member. The results of the conference shall be reduced to writing by the presiding Board member, and this writing or any transcript of the conference shall thereafter constitute part of the record.

§ 29-60.211 Submission without a hearing.

Where neither party desires a hearing, and the Board does not require one, the Board's decision will be based upon the available record as furnished by the parties.

§ 29-60.212 Optional accelerated procedure.

(a) An appeal involving sums not excess of $10,000 shall be handled under this rule at the written request of the appellant and upon concurrence of the Board.
(b) The appeal will be decided on basis of the available record as furnished by the parties unless a hearing has been requested by either party, or unless the Board orders a hearing.
(c) With the concurrence of the Government, the appeal shall be decided by the chairman of the panel to which the appeal has been assigned. For this purpose, the chairman of the panel is vested with all the authority and power of the full Board to hear, consider, and decide the appeal. At the discretion of the panel chairman, the panel shall participate in the decision.
(d) Under this accelerated procedure, the decision will be issued on an expedited basis, without regard to its normal position on the docket, and will be rendered in summary form unless other action appears indicated.

§ 29-60.213 Closing of the record.

§ 29-60.213-1 Time of submission for decision.

A case submitted on the record pursuant to § 29-60.211 or § 29-60.212 shall be ready for decision when the parties are so notified by the Board. A case which is heard shall be ready for decision upon receipt of transcript, or upon receipt of briefs when briefs ordered to be submitted by the Board.

§ 29-60.213-2 Record bases for decision

The record shall consist of appeal file described in § 29-60.205-1, and any additional material, pleadings, briefs, records of conferences. depositions, interrogatories and answers, admissions, and hearing exhibits.

§ 29-60.213-3 Availability of record.

This record will at all times be available for inspection by the parties at the office of the Board. In the interest of convenience, prior arrangements for inspection of the file should be made with the Clerk of the Board. Copies of material in the record may, if practicable, be furnished to appellant at the cost of reproduction.

§ 29-60.214 Depositions.

§ 29-60.214-1 When permitted.

After an appeal has been docketed, the Board may, upon motion of either party filed with the Board, with notice thereof to the other party, upon good cause shown, order the taking of testimony of any person by deposition upon oral examination or written interrogatories before any officer authorized to administer oaths at the place of examination, for use as evidence or for purpose of discovery.

§ 29-60.214-2 Orders on depositions.

The time, place, and manner of taking depositions shall be governed by order of the Board.

§ 29-60.214-3 Use as evidence.

No testimony taken by deposition shall be considered as part of the evidence in the hearing of an appeal unless and until such testimony is offered and received in evidence at such hearing. Testimony will not ordinarily be received in evidence if the deponent is present and can testify personally at the hearing. In such instance, however, the deposition may be used to contradict or impeach the testimony of the witness given at the hearing. In cases otherwise decided on the record, the Board may, on motion of either party and in its discretion, receive depositions as evidence in supplementation of that record.

§ 29-60.214-4 Expenses.

All expenses of taking the deposition of any person shall be borne by the party taking that deposition, except that the other party shall be entitled to copies of the transcript of the deposition upon paying therefor.

§ 29-60.215 Interrogatories to parties, production and inspection of documents.

§ 29-60.215-1 Interrogatories to parties.

After an appeal has been filed with the Board, a party may serve on the other party written interrogatories to be answered separately in writing, signed under oath and returned within 30 days from date of service. Upon timely objection by the party, the Board will determine the extent to which the interrogatories will be permitted. The scope and use of interrogatories will be controlled by § 29-60.214.

§ 29-60.215-2 Production and inspection of documents.

Upon motion of any party showing good cause therefor, and upon notice, the Board may order the other party to produce and permit the inspection and copying or photographing of any designated documents or objects, not privileged, specifically identified, and their relevance and materiality to the cause or causes in issue explained, which are reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. If the parties cannot themselves agree thereon, the Board shall specify just terms and conditions of making the inspection and taking the copies and photographs.

§ 29-60.216 Service of papers

Except where these rules specifically provide for service of documents by the Board, all motions, answers, briefs, notices, and all other papers filed with the Board shall be served by the filing party on the opposing party. Service shall be made by delivering in person or by mailing, properly addressed with postage prepaid, one copy of the document to the opposing party or its counsel. There shall be attached to the original of each document filed with the Board a certificate of service signed by the filing party stating that service has been made.

§ 29-60.217 Hearings.

§ 29-60.217-1 Where and when held.

Hearings ordinarily will be held in Washington, D.C., except that upon request and upon good cause shown, the Board may, in its discretion, set the hearing at another location. Hearings will be scheduled at the discretion of the Board with due consideration to the regular order of appeals and other pertinent factors. On request or motion by either party and upon good cause shown, the Board may, in its discretion, advance or postpone a hearing.

§ 29-60.217-2 Notice of hearings.

The parties shall be given at least 15 days' notice of the time and place set for hearings. In scheduling hearing dates, the Board will give due regard to the desires of the parties, and to the requirement for just and inexpensive determination of appeals without unnecessary delay. Notice of hearing shall be acknowledged promptly by the parties. A party failing to acknowledge a notice of hearing shall be deemed to have submitted the case upon the Board record as provided in § 29-60.211.

§ 29-60.217-3 Unexcused absence of party.

The unexcused absence of a party at the time and place set for hearing will not be occasion for delay. In the event of such absence, the hearing will proceed and the case will be regarded as submitted by the absent party as provided in § 29-60.211.

§ 29-60.217-4 Nature of hearings.

Hearings will be as informal as reasonably permissible, and will seek to provide the Board with the pertinent facts and the positions of the parties as a basis for the Board's decision recommendation. The parties may offer such relevant evidence or argument as they deem appropriate; subject, however, to the exercise of reasonable discretion by the presiding member of the Board in supervising the extent and manner of presenting such evidence. The weight to be attached to any evidence presented be determined by the Board.

§ 29-60.217-5 Examination of witnesses.

Witnesses before the Board may be examined orally under oath or affirmation, unless the facts are stipulated, or the presiding Board member shall otherwise order. If the testimony of a witness is not given under oath, the presiding Board member may, if he deems it expedient, warn the witness that his statements may be subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 287 and 1001, and any other provisions of imposing penalties for knowingly making false representations in connection with claims against the United States or in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency thereof.

§ 29-60.217-6 Copies of papers.

(a) All documents offered in evidence at a hearing must be submitted in triplicate.
(b) When books, records, papers, or documents have been received in evidence, a true copy thereof, or of such part thereof as may be material or relevant, may be substituted therefor during the hearing or at the conclusion thereof.

§ 29-60.217-7 Posthearing submissions.

Unless otherwise directed by the Board, the parties will submit simultaneous briefs within 30 days of the receipt of the transcript, and reply briefs within 20 days of receipt of the initial briefs.

§ 29-60.217-8 Transcript of proceedings.

Testimony and argument at hearings shall be reported verbatim. Transcripts of the proceedings shall be supplied to the parties at such rates as may be fixed by contract between the Department and the reporting firm.

§ 29-60.217-9 Withdrawal of exhibits.

After a decision has become final, the Board may, upon request and after notice to the other party, in its discretion, permit the withdrawal of original exhibits, or any part thereof, by the party entitled thereto. The substitution of true copies of exhibits or any part thereof may be required by the Board in its discretion as a condition of granting permission for such withdrawal.

§ 29-60.218 Representation of parties.

§ 29-60.218-1 Representation of appellant.

An appellant may appear before the Board in person or may be represented by counsel or by any other duly authorized representative.

§ 29-60.218-2 Representation of Goverment.

Counsel designated by the Solicitor of Labor shall represent the interests of the Department before the Board. They shall file notices of appearance with the Board, and notice thereof will be given appellant or his attorney in the form specified by the Board from time to time. Whenever it appears that appellant and the Solicitor's Office are in agreement as to disposition of the controversy, the Board may suspend further processing of the appeal in order to permit reconsideration by the contracting officer: Provided, however, That if the Board is advised by either party that the controversy has not been disposed of by agreement, the case shall be restored to the Board's docket.

§ 29-60.219 Decisions of the Board.

Decisions of the Board will be made in writing and a certified copy thereof will be forwarded to appellant. Copies also will be sent to the Solicitor of Labor and to the contracting officer.

§ 29-60.220 Motions for reconsideration.

A motion for reconsideration, if filed by either party, shall set forth specifically the ground or grounds relied upon to sustain the motion, and shall be filed within 30 days from the date of the receipt of a copy of the decision of the Board by the party filing the motion. The opposing party shall have the right to file an answer to such motion within 30 days from the date of receipt of the motion for reconsideration, and either party shall have the right to request an oral argument. Reconsideration of a decision, which may include oral argument, may be granted if, in the judgment of the Board, sufficient reason therefor appears.

§ 29-60.221 Dismissal without prejudice.

Where appeals docketed before the Board are required to be placed in a suspense status and the Board is unable to proceed with disposition thereof for reasons not within the control of the Board, and in any such case where the suspension has continued, or it appears that it will continue for an inordinate length of time, the Board may, in its discretion, dismiss such appeals from its docket without prejudice to their restoration when the cause of suspension has been removed.

§ 29-60.222 Remands from courts.

Whenever any matter is remanded to the Board from any court for further proceedings, each of the parties shall, within 20 days of such remand, submit a report to the Board, recommending procedures to be followed in order to comply with the court's order. The Board will review the reports and enter special orders governing the handling of matters remanded to it for further proceedings by any court, to the extent the court's directive and time limitations will permit, such orders will conform to these rules.

§ 29-60.223 Standards of conduct.

No member of the Board shall consider an appeal if he has participated in the awarding or administration of the contract in question. There shall be no communication between any party to an appeal and a Board member or Board employee concerning the merits of the appeal, unless such communication (if written) is also furnished to the other party. The Board also shall exercise care to avoid receiving, except as part of the formally established appeal record, any information having a substantial bearing upon an appeal from persons who do not represent a party in the appeal, but nonetheless have an interest in the decision to be rendered.

Subpart 29-60.3 - Transitional Provisions

§ 29-60.301 Appeals in progress.

All appeals pending before the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals on the effective date of the rules in this part (i.e., those with respect to which a notice of appeal had been properly filed before such date) shall be processed in accordance with Department of Labor appeals procedures heretofore in effect. All other appeals pending in the Department on such date shall be processed under the procedures in effect at the time the notice of appeal was filed.

Additional Information