Office of the Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General

Photo of Loretta E. Lynch at Swearing in Ceremony with Vice President

Meet the Director

Meet the Attorney General

Photo of Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General of the United States

Loretta E. Lynch was sworn in as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States by Vice President Joe Biden on April 27, 2015. President Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Ms. Lynch on November 8, 2014.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

As law enforcement agencies and community organizations team up across the country to reduce crime, expand opportunity and revitalize our neighborhoods, it is increasingly clear that a crucial part of that work is helping people returning from our prisons and jails make a successful transition back to their families and communities.  With more than 600,000 individuals leaving state and federal prisons each year and more than 11 million cycling through local jails, reentry is a process with enormous implications for communities across the United States and for all of us who care about making sure that we create opportunity for everyone who is able to contribute.  If handled the right way, reentry policy can lead to lower crime, stronger families and more prosperous communities.  If handled poorly – or if ignored altogether – a failure to ensure successful reentry can deepen the cycles of poverty, criminality and incarceration that prevent too many of our neighborhoods from reaching their full potential.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Every year, more than 600,000 people return to our communities after serving time in federal and state prisons, and another 11.4 million cycle though local jails.  Research shows that economic opportunity, education, strong family bonds and civic engagement are the pillars of a successful return from prison.  And in turn, successful re-entries reduce recidivism, improve the safety of our neighborhoods and provide economic benefits for our communities and our country.

Friday, April 22, 2016

U.S. Attorney General Lynch took her Community Policing Tour to Indianapolis, Indiana, on April 13, to meet with a class of recruits and recognize the merits of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s (IMPD) Officer Wellness and Safety Program (OWSP). 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Last month, as part of my ongoing community policing tour, I traveled to Miami and Doral, Florida, to learn about some of the innovative work underway there to build trust and strengthen ties between police officers and the residents they serve.  But in addition to the opportunity to meet with local law enforcement, civic leaders, and students, my trip to south Florida gave me a chance to visit with Janet Reno, the first woman to lead the Department of Justice and the second-longest serving Attorney General in American history. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Under the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice has taken major steps to make our criminal justice system more fair, more efficient, and more effective at reducing recidivism and helping formerly incarcerated individuals contribute to their communities.  An important part of that task is preparing those who have paid their debt to society for substantive opportunities beyond the prison gates, and addressing obstacles to successful reentry that too many returning citizens encounter.

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Loretta E. Lynch
Attorney General

The Attorney General's Community Policing Tour
Defending Childhood