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Why is everyone talking about energy storage? NREL's Dave Mooney provides the answer in this Energy 101 tutorial for Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project.

Learn more:
NREL Analysis Insights: Energy Storage

In partnership with utilities and industry, NREL is working to effectively, reliably, and economically integrate more renewable energy into the grid. In this 3-minute video, see how NREL is redefining what's possible for renewable energy on the grid.

Learn more:
Renewable Energy on the Grid: Redefining What's Possible

NREL analysis informs policy and investment decisions that can lead to more resilient, reliable, and efficient U.S. energy systems. With objective, technology-neutral analysis, NREL aims to increase the understanding of energy policies, markets, resources, technologies, and infrastructure and connections between these and the nation's economic, security, and environmental priorities. NREL analysis publications, data, and tools can help solve your energy challenges.

Featured Analysis

  • Regulatory and Permitting Information Desktop (RAPID) Toolkit
  • Impacts of Federal Tax Credit Extensions
  • Sustainable Tranportation: Moving People and Goods
  • Annual Technology Baseline and Standard Scenarios
  • Renewable Energy on the Grid
  • Rethinking the Future Grid
  • Power Systems of the Future
  • Making Sustainable Energy Choices
  • Methods for Analyzing DG PV Benefits and Costs
  • Offshore Wind Grid Capabilities
  • WWSIS - Western Wind and Solar Integration Study Phase 2
  • Value of Energy Storage for Grid Applications
  • More NREL Analysis

Featured Models and Tools

  • System Advisor Model (SAM)
  • Fleet DNA
  • PVWatts Updated
  • Alternative Fueling Station Locator
  •  State and Local Energy Data (SLED) Tool
  • PVWatts Calculator for India
  • Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS)
  • Renewable Electricity Futures Study
  • Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models
  • CREST Cost of Energy Models
  • More NREL Models and Tools

Featured Data & Resources

  • Renewable Energy Data Book
  • Solar Resource Maps for India
  • 21st Century Power Partnership
  • Indian Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Database (IREEED)
  • Hydrogen Gateway
  • Transparent Cost Database
  • Life Cycle Assessment Harmonization Data
  • Life Cycle Assessment Harmonization Data
  • More NREL Analysis Data
Learn more about Realizing a Clean Energy Future - Highlights of NREL Analysis

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