EEO Complaint Data, 2011

COMPONENT: U.S. Department of Justice

I. Number of Complaints 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Pending at the beginning of the quarter 1329 1409 1384 1362 1362
B. Filed during the quarter 158 157 207 182 704
C. Pending, at any time, during the quarter 1487 1566 1591 1546 1546
II. Number of Filers 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Who had a complaint pending at the start of the quarter 1272 1344 1314 1302 1302
B. Who filed a complaint during this quarter 156 156 206 179 697
C. Who had a complaint pending at any time during this quarter 1427 1497 1514 1479 1479
D. Who filed two or more complaints during this quarter 3 1 1 3 8
III. Breakdown of all Complaints filed during this quarter by basis and issue 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Complaints filed during the quarter broken down by basis          
1. Race: 49 77 107 79 312
a. American Indian/Alaskan Native: 2 1   1 4
b. American Asian/Pacific Islander: 4 1 4 5 14
c. Black: 30 36 56 54 176
d. White: 10 20 19 19 68
2. Color: 7 14 25 18 64
3. Sex: 56 51 83 80 270
a. Male: 18 21 28 28 95
b. Female: 38 45 56 53 192
4. Age: 39 38 52 42 171
5. Religion: 9 6 12 9 36
6. Reprisal: 79 95 102 87 363
7. National Origin: 19 25 20 19 83
a. Hispanic: 11 9 16 8 44
b. Other: 8 16 4 11 39
8. Equal Pay Act     1   1
a. Male:     1   1
b. Female          
9. Disability: 38 40 33 38 149
10. Non-EEO Basis 13 7 16 7 43
B. Complaints filed during the quarter broken down by issue          
1. Appointment/Hire: 7 7 9 6 29
2. Assignment of Duties 11 17 19 17 64
3. Awards: 4 6 6 8 24
4. Conversion to Full Time: 1       1
5. Disciplinary Action 13 7 20 18 58
a. Demotion 1 2 3 4 10
b. Reprimand 3 2 5 3 13
c. Suspension 4 3 10 6 23
d. Removal 1   2 5 8
e. Other: 4 1   2 7
6. Duty Hours 8 8 8 8 32
7. Evaluation/Appraisal 14 22 22 23 81
8. Examination/Test:          
9. Harassment: 47 68 76 48 239
a. Non-sexual: 39 56 69 47 211
b: Sexual 8 12 7 10 37
10. Medical Examination: 1 1 1 2 5
11. Pay Including Overtime: 5 2 5 1 13
12. Promotion/Non-Selection 29 34 41 28 132
13. Reassignment: 7 9 16 9 41
a. Denied: 2 4 4 5 15
b. Directed: 5 6 12 7 30
14. Reasonable Accommodation: 6 3 10 20 39
15. Reinstatement:   2     2
16. Retirement: 1 1 1 1 4
17. Termination: 9 6 4 10 29
18: Terms & Conditions of Employment: 25 11 24 16 76
19. Time & Attendance: 11 7 9 10 37
20. Training: 3 4 5 3 15
21. Other: 15 16 10 4 45
IV. Time measurements – All complaints pending at any time during the quarter 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Average number of days for Investigation: 178.20 207.0 663 755.84 451.01
B. Average number of days for Final Agency Decision: 705.1 708.3 605 600.32 654.68
C. Average number of days for Final Agency Action 506.66 403.71 1172 2359.17 1110.4
D. Number of complaints dismissed pursuant to 29 CFR § 1614.107(a) 15 19 19 28 81
E. Average number of days complaints were pending at the time of dismissal 98.7 82.58 202 256.6 159.97
V. Final agency actions involving discrimination during the quarter broken down by hearing/no hearing and basis/issue. 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Total number of final agency actions (decisions) involving discrimination during the quarter     4 1 5
B. Decisions finding discrimination without a hearing:       2 2
C. Decisions finding discrimination without a hearing broken down by basis          
1. Race:          
a. American Indian/Alaskan Native:          
b. American Asian/Pacific Islander:          
c. Black:          
d. White:          
2. Color:          
3. Sex:       1 1
a. Male:          
b. Female:       1 1
4. Age:          
5. Religion:          
6. Reprisal:          
7. National Origin:          
a. Hispanic:          
b. Other:          
8. Equal Pay Act:          
a. Male:          
b. Female:          
9. Disability:          
10. Non-EEO Basis          
D. Decisions finding discrimination without a hearing broken down by issue          
1. Appointment/Hire:          
2. Assignment of Duties:          
3. Awards:          
4. Conversion to Full Time:          
5. Disciplinary Action:          
a. Demotion:          
b. Reprimand:          
c. Suspension:          
d. Removal:          
e. Other:          
6. Duty Hours:          
7. Evaluation/Appraisal:          
8. Examination/Test:          
9. Harassment:       1 1
a. Non-sexual:          
b. Sexual:       1 1
10. Medical Examination:          
11. Pay Including Overtime:          
12. Promotion/Non-Selection:          
13. Reassignment:          
a. Denied:          
b. Directed:          
14. Reasonable Accommodation:          
15. Reinstatement:          
16. Retirement:          
17. Termination:          
18. Terms/Conditions of Employment:          
19. Time and Attendance:          
20. Training:          
21. Other:          
E. Decisions involving discrimination after a hearing: 1     2 3
F. Decisions involving discrimination after a hearing broken down by basis          
1. Race: 1       1
a. American Indian/Alaskan Native:          
b. American Asian/Pacific Islander:          
c. Black: 1       1
d. White:          
2. Color:          
3.Sex: 1   1 1 3
a. Male: 1       1
b. Female:     1 1 2
4. Age:     1   1
5. Religion:          
6. Reprisal: 1   2 2 5
7. National Origin:          
a. Hispanic:          
b. Other: 1       1
8. Equal Pay Act:          
a. Male:          
b. Female:          
9. Disability:     2 1 3
10. Non-EEO Basis     1   1
G. Decisions involving discrimination after a hearing broken down by issue:          
1. Appointment/Hire:          
2. Assignment of Duties:          
3. Awards:          
4. Conversion to Full Time:          
5. Disciplinary Action: 1     1 2
a. Demotion:          
b. Reprimand:       1 1
c. Suspension: 1       1
d. Removal:          
e. Other:          
6. Duty Hours:          
7. Evaluation/Appraisal:          
8. Examination/Test:          
9. Harassment: 1   1 3 5
a. Non-sexual: 1   1 2 4
b. Sexual:       1 1
10. Medical Examination:          
11. Pay Including Overtime:          
12. Promotion/Non-Selection:     1 1 2
13. Reassignment:          
a. Denied:          
b. Directed:          
14. Reasonable Accommodation:          
15. Reinstatement:          
16. Retirement:          
17. Termination:     1   1
18. Terms/Conditions of Employment:          
19. Time and Attendance:          
20. Training:          
21. Other:     3   3
VI. Status of all pending complaints 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Number of complaints pending investigation: 185 262 317 261 261
B. Number of complaints pending hearing: 306 343 321 340 340
C. Number of complaints pending final agency action: 270 210 217 219 219
D. Number of complaints pending decision on appeal: 67 63 81 81 81
VII. Complaints not timely investigated 1st Quarter
FY 2011
2nd Quarter
FY 2011
3rd Quarter
FY 2011
4th Quarter
FY 2011
Year to Date
A. Number of complaints not investigated within the time required by 29 CFR § 1614.106(e)(2): 74 87 64 79 79



Updated November 23, 2016