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Grant Recipient Training Resources

1. Grants Online Quick Reference Guide for Grantees
This Quick Reference Guide provides Grantees with instructions for completing most actions in Grants Online as a Grantee.

Click here for the current guide: Grants Online Quick Reference Guide for Grantees v4.09
(Last Update 6/18/2012)

2. Grants Online Grantee User Manuals
These "How-to" manuals show the step-by-step essentials of using the system. Each manual is in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) file format.

1. Grants Online System Navigation (Last Updated Jan 2008)
2. Accepting Awards and Managing Recipient Users (Last Updated April 2006)
3. Performance Progress Reports (Last Updated June 2007)
4. Federal Financial Reports (Last Updated April 2009)

NOTE: All manuals are in the process of being updated. Please check back periodically for new versions.

3. Award Action Request Guidance
This link provides specific guidance for each available Award Action Request in Grants Online.
Click here for the guidance document: Award Action Request Guidance

NOTE: This guidance document is also available in Grants Online from each of the individual AAR pages.

Click here for the Award Action Request Process Map: AAR Process Map and Screen Shot

4. Sample Grants Online Notifications
This link provides a list of sample email messages that are sent to grantees from the Grants Online system to provide notificaton of actions that are pending.

a. New Award Notification - sent to the Authorized Representative who signed the proposal when a new award offer from NOAA is waiting for acceptance.

b. Manage Users Notification - sent to the Recipient Administrator after acceptance of a new award so that the correct Principle Investigator can be associated with the award.

c. Amendment Notification - sent to all Authorized Representatives in the organization when an amendment from NOAA is waiting for acceptance. When one person takes action on this task, it is removed from the inbox of the other Authorized Representatives.

d. Upcoming Progress Reports Notification - sent on the 15th of the month - two months and one month before reports are due - to the Principle Investigators associated with the award. If no Principle Investigators have been added to the award via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization.

e. Upcoming Financial Reports Notification - sent on the 15th of the month - two months and one month before reports are due - to the Business/Financial Represenatives. If no Business/Financial Representatives have been identified for the organization via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization.

f. Progress Reports Due Notification - sent on the 2nd of the month after the reporting period ends to the Principle Investigators associated with the award. If no Principle Investigators have been added to the award via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization. If the report(s) have not been submitted by the 22nd of the month in which they are due, a follow up reminder will be sent.

g. Financial Reports Due Notification - sent on the 3rd of the month after the reporting period ends to the Business/Financial Representatives associated with the organization. If no Business/Financial Representatives have been identified for the organization via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization. If the report(s) have not been submitted by the 22nd of the month in which they are due, a follow up reminder will be sent.

h. Delinquent Financial or Progress Reports Notification - sent on the 1st of the month after a report becomes delinquent to all Authorized Representatives, Principle Investigators (only for delinquent Progress Reports) and Business/Financial Representatives (only for delinquent Financial Reports) associated with the award.

i. Suspension of Payment Notification - sent to Authorized Representatives, Principle Investigators, and Business/Financial Representatives when NOAA has taken an enforcement action to suspend payment on an award or group of awards for an organization.

j. Closed Award Notification - sent to all Authorized Representatives and Business/FInancial Representatives for the organization, and to the Principle Investigators associated with the award, when NOAA Grants Management closeout actions have been completed on the award.

5. ASAP Enrollment Guidance
This link provides step-by-step guidance for ASAP enrollment for new grantees.
Click here for the guidance document: ASAP Enrollment and Certification

6. Grants Management Division 2010 Workshop Presentations
The following links are presentations from the 2010 Financial Assistance Workshop "GMD Connected - The New Decade":
2010 Workshop Overview Presentation
ARRA Presentation
Award Payment and Closeout Process
Award Review Process
Contract Versus Grant
DOC Ethics Presentation
NEPA Presentation for Recipients
OIG Audits
OIG Recognizing Fraud
Post-Award Presentation
Pre-Award BAA 2010 Presentation

7. Large File Guidance
This link provides information with regard to uploading large files as attachments into Grants Online.
Click here for the guidance document: Large File Attachment Guidance

8. *** Grants Online-CBS Interface Training: ***

View the June 12th CBS Interface - Grantee Training Webinar on demand.

Download the accompanying document

Use the toolbar buttons on the video player to:
  • Adjust quality (Choose 720p for best quality)
  • Adjust player size or set Full Screen
  • Navigate between videos in the 5 part playlist

9. Data Sharing Policy
This link provides guidance on NOAA's Data Sharing Policy for Grants and Cooperative Agreements:
Click here for the Data Sharing Policy document

Link to NOAA Homepage Link to DOC Homepage

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. Department of Commerce
Last Updated: 
June 12, 2012 2:09 AM