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e-Journal from IIP

  • eJournal USA: Partnerships Against Corruption
    eJournal USA: Partnerships Against Corruption

    This issue of eJournal USA — “Partnerships Against Corruption” — provides a range of perspectives on the benefits and challenges of public-private partnerships and international cooperation in combating corruption. It also offers concrete examples of how such partnerships are being used effectively.  

  • A Responsible Press Office in the Digital Age
    A Responsible Press Office in the Digital Age

    A Responsible Press Office in the Digital Age explores the relationship between government officials and the media and provides guidance to government communicators about how to use digital media to provide the public with accurate and timely information concerning public policies, laws and actions.  

  • eJournal USA: The Spirit of Volunteerism
    eJournal USA: The Spirit of Volunteerism

    Americans have a long history of helping others for no financial gain. Devoting one’s time and energy for the greater good is seen in countless ways across America daily. This issue illustrates some of the ways that Americans volunteer, such as firefighters, health workers and computer experts.  

  • eJournal USA: Growing Up Green
    eJournal USA: Growing Up Green

    Youth are leading the way to a sustainable future by creating innovative solutions to global problems. Read about some of their amazing accomplishments and ambitious plans for the future in this issue of eJournal USA.  

  • eJournal USA: Sports Strengthen Communities
    eJournal USA: Sports Strengthen Communities

    In the United States, sports play a major role in community life. Players learn valuable lessons about discipline, teamwork and tolerance that help them succeed on and off the field. This issue of eJournal USA explores the integral role of sports in American society and highlights the power of sports to strengthen community bonds that transcend differences.  

  • Enterprising Women, Thriving Societies
    Enterprising Women, Thriving Societies

    Women’s entrepreneurship is on the rise, alleviating poverty and boosting economic growth.  

  • USA Elections in Brief
    USA Elections in Brief

    This revised 2012 edition sketches the way primary and general elections work, not only the role of political parties, but also the nuts and bolts of voting machines and poll workers, opinion polls and campaign finance.  

  • Media Law Handbook
    Media Law Handbook

    What are the privileges and responsibilities of a free press? In Media Law Handbook, Professor Jane Kirtley, Silha Professor of Media Ethics and Law at the University of Minnesota, explores how free societies answer this question. 

  •  eJournal USA: Ethical and Effective Policing
    eJournal USA: Ethical and Effective Policing

    In democratic societies, citizens grant increased authority to police in order to live in a safe community. They give police the power to detain, search, arrest citizens, and lawfully use physical force when situations dictate. In return, police departments must ensure that police officers adhere to high ethical standards. When they don’t, the reciprocal trust between citizenry and police is disrupted, undermining the tacit social contract that is the basis of democracy. 

  • Historians on America
    Historians on America

    Historians on America is a series of individual essays that selects specific moments, decisions, and intellectual or legislative or legal developments and explains how they altered the course of U.S. history. The book consists of 11 separate essays by major historians, ranging from The Trial of John Peter Zenger in 1735 to The Immigration Act of 1965.  

  • eJournal USA: Cultivating Civil Society 2.0
    eJournal USA: Cultivating Civil Society 2.0

    “Cultivating Civil Society 2.0” explores the evolving intersection between civil society and technology and offers examples of how civil society organizations are exploiting technology’s potential to advance their work. 

  • eJournal USA: Climate Action Goes Local
    eJournal USA: Climate Action Goes Local

    Learn how governments, businesses and communities in Central America, East Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the United States are partnering to leverage their resources to combat climate change. 

  • eJournal USA: Educating Women and Girls
    eJournal USA: Educating Women and Girls

    This issue of eJournal USA explores how international organizations, state governments, the private sector and individuals — in many different countries — are promoting education for women and girls and are improving people’s lives. 

  • eJournal USA: Youth Entrepreneurship

    This issue of eJournal USA explores the world of entrepreneurship for young people. 

  • Peace Corps — 50 Years of Promoting Friendship
    Peace Corps — 50 Years of Promoting Friendship

    In this issue of eJournal USA, we mark the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps with narratives written by past volunteers and we glimpse the future of the Peace Corps in an essay by current Peace Corps Director Aaron S. Williams. 

  • Benefits of Trade Costs of Protectionism
    Benefits of Trade Costs of Protectionism

    This issue of eJournal USA has articles from authors inside and outside the U.S. government describing the benefits of trade and the costs of protectionism. 

  • The Global Financial System
    The Global Financial System

    Experts describe the mechanics of the global financial system presenting their views concerning the cyclical nature of markets, the interdependence of global trade relationships, and the role of regulation. 

  • Roots of Innovation
    Roots of Innovation

    Economic expansion depends more and more on innovation — not simply producing more goods and services, but producing ever newer goods and services. This issue of eJournal USA seeks to show that innovation needs the right conditions to emerge. 

  • Preserving Intangible Cultural
    Preserving Intangible Cultural

    Many actors in the United States celebrate and preserve the country’s diverse cultural heritage. 

  • Multicultural Literature in the United States Today
    Multicultural Literature in the United States Today

    The United States is enriched culturally by immigrants from many nations. This edition of eJournal USA focuses on distinguished American writers from various ethnic backgrounds who add immeasurably to mutual understanding and appreciation through tales of their native lands and their experiences as Americans. 

  • Climate Change Partnerships
    Climate Change Partnerships

    Partnerships leverage the complementary skills and talents of diverse partners and likely will be among the required responses to global climate change. 

  • Defining Internet Freedom
    Defining Internet Freedom

    How do countries’ values and political systems shape citizens’ access to online content? 

  • See You in the U.S.A.
    See You in the U.S.A.

    Every year tens of millions of people visit the United States. They come to study, or for business, or for fun. But the best reason of all is to meet Americans. 

  • A World Free of Nuclear Weapons
    A World Free of Nuclear Weapons

    Since the first atomic bombs exploded in 1945, some have tried to rid the world of nuclear weapons. President Obama has embraced this goal with new vigor. This issue of eJournal USA examines the challenges to achieving nuclear disarmament. It conveys the hopes of some thinkers, and explains the doubts of others. 

  • 21st-Century Agriculture
    21st-Century Agriculture

    Humanity's longest struggle has been to feed itself. This eJournal USA explores how 21st century technical prowess and agricultural kill hold the key to feeding the growing populations of the future. 

eJournal USA