USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Gender Based Violence

USAID in the News

USAID celebrates International Women's Day. Photo credit: USAID

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of March 11, 2013. Read more >>

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A Time for Action and Working Together to Improve Women’s Lives

In 2012 alone, Dr. Aye Aye Mu, who is part of USAID's SUN Quality Health clinics in Burma, conducted over 5,000 reproductive health consultations, diagnosed and treated 107 pneumonia cases, diagnosed and treated 243 tuberculosis cases with a treatment success rate of over 80 percent. Photo credit: Richard Nyberg, USAID

This past week, Administrator Rajiv Shah traveled to India and Burma with a full agenda, including having discussions with a group of courageous women advocates to discuss gender-based violence. Read more >>

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Shoulder to Shoulder: Delivering Real Results for Women and Girls

USAID staff host International Women of Courage Awardees. Back row, from left: Fartuun Adan, Somalia; Summer Lopez, USAID; Franklin Moore, USAID; Beth Hogan, USAID; Ambassador Donald Steinberg, USAID; Kathleen Campbell, USAID; Amber Ussery, USAID; Front row, from left: Dr. Josephine Odumakin, Nigeria; Roberta Mahoney, USAID; Julieta Castellanos, Honduras; Sarah Mendelson, USAID; Malalai Bahaduri, Afghanistan; Yelena Milashena, Russia, Key Freeman, USAID. Photo credit: Pat Adams, USAID

Yesterday USAID was proud to host the International Women of Courage awardees. Read more >>

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Guatemala’s 24-Hour Courts: Changing the Way Women Access Justice

Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg (far left) and Guatemalan Attorney General Claudia Paz (center) visit the 24-hour Femicide Court in Gerona in October 2012. Photo credit: USAID files

To respond to a need for a specialized court for cases related to violence against women in Guatemala, USAID provided technical assistance, training and equipment to operationalize it. Read more >>

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Freeing Women from Violence Leads to Healthier Lives

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The health sector can play a vital role in preventing gender-based violence. Read more >>

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Raising the Bar: Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies

Ethiopia, October 2010.  Photo credit: Jane Strachan, USAID

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”. Read more >>

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Seeking Justice: Investigating and Prosecuting Gender-Based Violence

Susana SáCouto (right) is Director of the War Crimes Research Office (WCRO) at the Washington College of Law. Chanté Lasco (left) is the WCRO’s Jurisprudence Collections Coordinator. Photo Credit: WCRO.

This year has seen the continued prevalence of widespread and devastating gender-based attacks on women and girls around the world Read more >>

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16 Day Challenge: Keeping International Workers Safe: Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence

Sarah Martin is a consultant and Specialist on Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence

The sexual assault of the journalists Lara Logan, Mona Eltahawy, and two unnamed British and French journalists in Egypt, shocked the world and brought the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) against Westerners working in the developing world to the forefront. Read more >>

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16 Day Challenge: Invisible Women: Violence Against Women with Disabilities

Today is Day 9 of our 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. There are over a billion people with disabilities on the planet. Approximately half of them are women with disabilities. They are grandmothers, mothers, partners, lovers and sisters. They are seldom seen in market places, the fields, the classrooms, at the health clinics or [...]

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16 Day Challenge: Let’s Eliminate Gender Violence

Carla Koppell serves as Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment at USAID

One young rape survivor in a camp for the internally displaced in Goma, a city in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is one of the strongest people I have met since joining USAID as Senior Coordinator. Read more >>

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