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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Legal Resources Complaints Pending Complaints

Pending Complaints
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Note: The docket number is a link to an image or PDF of the complaint located in the Commission's eLibrary system.

Filing Date
Docket Number
Filed By
01/05/2017 EL17-36-0000 Advanced Energy Management Alliance PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Public
12/23/2016 EL17-32-000 Old Dominion Electric Cooperative and Direct Energy Business, LLC on behalf of itself and its affiliate, Direct Energy Business Marketing, LLC and American Municipal Power, Inc. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Public
12/21/2016 EL17-31-000 Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Public
12/19/2016 EL17-29-000 American Municipal Power, Inc. Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. Public
11/21/2016 EL17-21-000 Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Public
11/04/2016 EL17-15-000 Big Rivers Electric Corporation Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc., Public
10/27/2016 EL17-13-000 American Municipal Power, Inc., et al. Appalachian Power Company, et al. Public
10/24/2016 RP17-52-000 Breitburn Operating LP Florida Gas Transmission Company, LLC. Public
10/24/2016 EL17-11-000 Alabama Power Company Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Public
10/21/2016 EL17-8-000 Indianapolis Power & Light Company Midcontinent Independent System ) Operator, Inc. Public
10/19/2016 EL17-7-000 Long Lake of Phelps Lake District Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company Public
09/30/2016 EL16-120-000 New England Power Generators Association, Inc. ISO New England Inc. Public
06/24/2016 EL16-92-000 New york State Public Service Commission et al. New York Independent System Operator, Inc. Public
04/17/2007 EL07-56 The DC People’s Counsel PJM Interconnection Public

The complaints listed in this table were filed on or after the issuance date of the rule issued in Docket No. RM98-13-000 (the Complaint Rule). A Non-public filing contains material for which confidential treatment is sought.