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Issues: Elections


Free and fair elections are a hallmark of democracy, and their absence can be a harbinger of increasing authoritarianism.  Overseas, U.S. embassies work closely with foreign governments, independent electoral commissions, and civil society to support citizens’ rights to choose their elected officials.  Along with U.S. diplomatic engagement and programmatic support, U.S. election observation plays an important role in promoting transparency and accountability in democratic processes.

Elections News

Press Release
Formation of a New Government in Lebanon
Dec 19, 2016 | State Department Spokesperson, John Kirby

The United States welcomes Lebanon’s announcement of the formation of a new government and congratulates Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

The United States encourages the Lebanese government to seize this opportunity to respond to the needs of the Lebanese people and to address the pressing security, economic, and humanitarian challenges facing the country.

The United States reaffirms its strong support for Lebanon’s security, stability, and sovereignty and looks forward to working with the new Lebanese government. ...Read More

Press Release
DRC: Call for Calm and Respect for Human Rights
Dec 16, 2016 | Deputy Department Spokesperson, Mark C. Toner

The United States is deeply concerned about the potential for unrest and violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on or around December 19, when President Joseph Kabila’s second and final term in office was to end with the inauguration of a democratically elected successor. We urge both the government and opposition to cooperate fully and in good faith with the DRC’s Conference of Catholic Bishops (CENCO) to finalize an inclusive agreement as ...Read More

Press Release
Global Partnership to Open New Fronts in Fight Against Corruption
Dec 7, 2016 | Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project
The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and Transparency International (TI) are joining forces in a first of its kind partnership to root out grand corruption on a global scale, the Global Anti-Corruption Consortium. ...Read More
Remarks at the Open Government Partnership Global Summit
Dec 7, 2016 | U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power
That is what open government is all about. It is bigger than any individual. It is bigger than any administration. It is, and always will, depend on the people that a government and an administration and a leader of a country serve. And in their hands – in your hands – OGP’s future is very bright indeed. ...Read More
Press Release
FACT SHEET: The United States Commitment to the Open Government Partnership and Open Government
Dec 7, 2016 | President Barack Obama
Five years ago, President Obama joined with the leaders of seven other nations to launch the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a global partnership between governments and civil society organizations to advance transparency and accountability, bolster citizen engagement, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. ...Read More
President Obama Speaks to the Open Government Partnership Global Summit
Dec 7, 2016 | President Barack Obama
Five years ago, President Obama joined with the leaders of seven other nations to launch the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a global partnership between governments and civil society organizations to advance transparency and accountability, bolster citizen engagement, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. On December 7th, 2016, thousands of government leaders and civil society representatives from 70 countries gathered together for the 2016 OGP Global Summit in Paris, to representing the growth of initiative. ...Read More
USUN Remarks at a UN Security Council Open Arria-Formula Meeting on Women, Peace and Security
Dec 5, 2016 | U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Michele Sison

Thank you, Mr. Glemarec, Ms. Patten, and Ms. Cabrera-Balleza, for your briefings today; and of course, thank you also Ambassador Rosselli for bringing us together this morning on such an important issue as Women, Peace and Security.

In 1979, the authors of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW, recognized a truth that is at the core of the Women, Peace and Security agenda – that truth is that ...Read More

Press Release
The United States Commends The Gambia on Peaceful Election
Dec 3, 2016 | Secretary of State John Kerry

I congratulate the people of The Gambia for their peaceful and democratic presidential election on December 1. We also congratulate President-elect Adama Barrow on his historic victory, which will mark the first democratic transfer of power in the country, and we look forward to working with him as he helps to usher in a new era in The Gambia.

I also commend President Jammeh for respecting the results and for agreeing to peacefully transfer power ...Read More

Press Release
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Price on Elections in The Gambia
Dec 2, 2016 | NSC Spokesperson Ned Price
The Gambia’s first democratic transfer of power is a moment of great opportunity, and the United States looks forward to being a strong partner in efforts to unify the country, promote inclusive economic development, and advance the vital work of strengthening democratic institutions so that the Gambian people can enjoy the bright, peaceful, and prosperous future they deserve. ...Read More
Op-Ed: Finding New Ways to Fight Corruption in Africa
Nov 28, 2016 | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Steven J. Feldstein

Corruption violates the dignity of citizens and shatters the social compact between leaders and their populations. Across Africa, corruption is responsible for fueling wars, perpetuating violence, undermining democracies and empowering kleptocrats and dictators. Breaking the cycle of corruption is a long-term struggle that requires sustained political will, substantial political and economic reform, and a significant shift in attitudes. This will not happen quickly or easily. As the Panama Papers demonstrate, however, we are witnessing the ...Read More