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See LPO’s Portfolio in a New Way

August 10, 2016 - 12:00pm


The Energy Department’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) has financed a portfolio of more than $30 billion in innovative clean energy projects that are currently powering American homes and manufacturing fuel-efficient vehicles that are on the road today.

After becoming Executive Director of the Department’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) a year ago, I visited several of the projects that LPO has financed to date through the Title XVII and Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing (ATVM) programs. To say I was impressed by their scale and innovation is an understatement.

What I saw were large-scale projects that are currently powering American homes with clean energy, manufacturing fuel-efficient cars, and creating good jobs. Many of these projects have helped to launch new markets that will help shape our economy and energy sector for years to come. They are also preventing harmful carbon dioxide emissions in a meaningful way.

You may not get the opportunity to see these projects in person, so we created the above video to highlight the power of financing innovation in a way that words cannot.

To learn more about the projects featured in the video, just click on their project page:
