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Agricultural Activities that Mitigate the Impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Conservation tillageAgricultural and forestry activities can contribute to the reduction in atmospheric buildup of greenhouse gases (GHG) in three important ways: sequestration, emissions reductions, and fossil fuel substitution.

Sequestration: Carbon dioxide (CO2) removed from the atmosphere can be stored in soils, biomass, and harvested products, and protected or preserved to avoid CO2 release back to the atmosphere. These become carbon stores or carbon sinks.

Emissions reductions: Agricultural CH4 and N2O emissions can be reduced through effective manure and feed management and efficient fertilizer application. CO2 emissions can be reduced by adopting more fuel efficient technologies and practices.

Fossil fuel substitution: Using biofuels produced in the agricultural sector instead of fossil fuels can help lower GHG concentrations.

By adopting these practices, producers can save money and time while enhancing and improving the environment around them, a common goal for many farmers and ranchers as well as their community partners.

Image above: Photo courtesy of USDA-NRCS