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Issues: Human Rights

Human Rights

U.S. international human rights policy is guided by the principles enshrined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: that all people are “born free and equal in dignity and rights” and the fact that nations that embrace these values for their citizens are ultimately more successful than those that do not.  The United States works to promote human rights worldwide, including an individual’s freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders.  Those rights also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice.  These human rights are integral to functioning rule of law, civilian security, economic development, and accountable security forces.  Most nations are parties to international agreements that recognize these universal human rights.  

Read the Human Rights report:  http://state.gov/humanrightsreport/

Policy Focus

Human Rights News

Press Release
United States and Cuba to Hold Meeting to Fight Trafficking in Persons
Jan 12, 2017 | Office of the Spokesperson
This is the fourth consecutive exchange between the United States and Cuba on efforts to prevent and prosecute trafficking in persons and protect trafficking victims. In addition to sharing information about best practices, both sides will seek to identify areas of possible future cooperation. ...Read More
Press Release
2016 Year-End Summary of the U.S. Universal Periodic Review Working Groups
Jan 11, 2017 | U.S. Department of State


The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was established by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2006 as a process through which the human rights record of every UN Member State is peer-reviewed.  This review, conducted through the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), is based upon each country’s human rights obligations and commitments in the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights instruments to which the country is party, and other sources. ...Read More

Press Release
Release of the Report on Human Rights Abuses and Censorship in North Korea
Jan 11, 2017 | State Department Deputy Spokesperson, Mark C. Toner

Today, the State Department released our second report on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) human rights abuses and censorship, identifying Kim Won Hong (Minister of State Security), Kim Yo Jong (Vice Director of the Propaganda and Agitation Department), Choe Hwi (Vice Director KWP Propaganda and Agitation Department), Kim Il-nam (Chief of South Hamgyong Province State Security), Min Byong Chol (Director of the Inspection Division of the Organization and Guidance Department), Jo Yong-won (Vice ...Read More

Report on Human Rights Abuses or Censorship in North Korea
Jan 11, 2017 | Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
This report details aspects of the human rights situation in North Korea and the conduct of persons the Secretary of State has determined to be responsible for the commission of serious human rights abuses or censorship in the DPRK. ...Read More
Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace's Passing the Baton 2017: America's Role in the World
Jan 10, 2017 | Secretary of State John Kerry
We didn’t start the Arab Spring. We couldn’t have stopped the Arab Spring. There was no way to put a lid on the Arab Spring; the Arab Spring began in Tunisia when a fruit vendor lit himself on fire. And boom – a 30-year dictator was gone. And then suddenly, you had Tahrir Square and you had a bunch of people who have technology at their fingertips who are out there communicating to each other and wanting change. And that’s how Syria began. ...Read More
A Conversation on Gender Equality and Disability Rights with Silvia Quan
Jan 9, 2017 | Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, Judith Heumann

As one of the most tenacious leaders in her generation of disability rights advocates, Silvia Quan has faced down the forces of discrimination and fought for expanding the rights of all persons with disabilities, in her native Guatemala, in the broader Latin American region, and on the global stage. For her many achievements, especially in her capacity as Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Silvia was recently honored with the ...Read More

Human Rights Heroes: Conversation on Gender Equality and Disability Rights
Dec 9, 2016 | Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, Judith Heumann

Transcript below:


JUDY HEUMANN:  Hello everyone and thank you for joining us for this month’s Human Rights Heroes podcast.

My name is Judy Heumann.  I’m the State Department’s Special Advisor for International Disability Rights. 

For your information, I use a motorized wheelchair because I had polio in 1949. 

Now, almost 69 years old, I have seen significant changes in the United ...Read More

Press Release
Apology for Past Discrimination toward Employees and Applicants based on Sexual Orientation
Jan 9, 2017 | Secretary of State John Kerry

Throughout my career, including as Secretary of State, I have stood strongly in support of the LGBTI community, recognizing that respect for human rights must include respect for all individuals. LGBTI employees serve as proud members of the State Department and valued colleagues dedicated to the service of our country.  For the past several years, the Department has pressed for the families of LGBTI officers to have the same protections overseas as families of other ...Read More

Press Release
United States Mission to the United Nations Exit Memo
Jan 5, 2017 | U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Samantha Power
When the United States leads at the United Nations, we shape the rules and norms – and we can leverage UN capabilities in service of international security, making the United States safer and stronger, while sparing us financial and operational burdens that are unsustainable for the United States. Over the last eight years, we have re-engaged the United Nations, and we have led the world. ...Read More
Explanation of Vote on a Draft UN Security Council Resolution on South Sudan
Dec 23, 2016 | U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Samantha Power

Thank you very much, Mr. President. This should not have been a contentious resolution. The United States proposed a resolution meant to show that the architects of mass atrocities and those who defy the demands of the Security Council day in, day out will face consequences. We urged members of this Council to stand with South Sudan’s people, who are suffering immensely due to the actions of their leaders, and we urge that we use ...Read More

Who Uses the Human Rights Report?


Report on North Korea

  • Report on Human Rights Abuses and Censorship in North Korea

Fact Sheet: HRC 32

  • Fact Sheet: Key U.S. Outcomes at the UN Human Rights Council 32nd Session

2015 Human Rights Report

  • Human Rights Report

Fact Sheet

  • U.S. Support for Human Rights Defenders

Featured Quote

  • “We have learned over time that both stability and prosperity are closely linked to good governance – governance that is powered by participatory, accountable institutions and guided by the rule of law... Accountable governance is also measured by the independence of a judiciary; by the health of the civil society; by the ability of every individual to enjoy basic freedoms of thought, speech, and religion, and to engage in political expression of political views.”

    - Secretary of State John Kerry speaking at Nazarbayev University in Astana Kazakhstan, November 2, 2015

Remarks on Peacekeeping

Fact Sheet - new

  • Global Labor Programs Fact Sheet