Sustainable Facilities Tool

Explore this easy-to-navigate tool to identify and prioritize cost-effective green building strategies you can implement to incorporate sustainable concepts into any remodel or small project.


Who Uses Open Data? This list is neither all-inclusive nor static.  It is meant to be a growing repository of open data use cases: Appallicious  offers a mobile commerce platform, tailored for governments to deliver services to their citizens.  The tools … Continued


Want to get involved in helping to solve an energy problem that you see in your home, community, or country? Join in on one of our challenges. Challenges range from brainstorming ideas to creating applications to proposing research. Not ready … Continued

Energy Data Initiative

The  Energy Data Initiative  is an Administration-wide effort to liberate government data and voluntarily contributed non-government data as fuel to spur entrepreneurship, create value, and create jobs in the transition to a clean energy economy. Find out more about how you can benefit … Continued


Federal Data FERC Natural Gas Storage This website provides reports on and access to a public dataset of natural gas storage fields in the US. Projects that have filed applications with FERC to develop new natural gas storage fields are listed on the website. … Continued