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Dolphin-Safe Certification

Tuna Tracking and Verification Program


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TTV Program



Regulations governing the activities of any exporter, transhipper, importer, processor, or wholesaler/distributor of any tuna or tuna products have been published in the Federal Register. Information submitted under this program will be treated as confidential in accordance with NOAA Administrative Order 216-100 "Protection of Confidential Fisheries Statistics." Please see the links below for more details on programmatic regulations:

Final Rules in the Federal Register


U. S. Production

Tuna canners must submit a report of all tuna received at their facility in each calendar month. Data elements include the dolphin-safe status, species, condition, ocean area of capture, catcher vessel, gear type, trip dates and quantity. An annual report covers the entire U.S. industry.

Every U.S. tuna purse seine vessel greater than 400 short tons carrying capacity fishing in the ETP must have an IATTC approved observer onboard to oversee every fishing trip.  The vessel owners or management of such vessels are responsible for notifying NMFS of the location and expected time of arrival for each completed ETP trip. Upon request, the TTVP will issue a dolphin-safe certificate bearing the Official Mark.


The dolphin-safe status of all frozen and processed tuna products is to be declared on a NOAA Form 370 (Fisheries Certificate of Origin) for each and every imported shipment.  This form is not required for fresh tuna. Additional information on the NOAA Form 370 requirements can be found by clicking the NOAA Form 370 page below.

Updated: July 29, 2016