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College Scorecard
School-level statistics on average annual cost of attendance, student loan debt, & loan repayment.
College Navigator
Search for colleges by specific criteria, such as state or programs offered.
Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs
Accredited colleges and agencies who issue accreditation.
State Education Data Profiles
No. of colleges per state.
Integrated Postseondary Education Data System
Graduation rates at the national, state, and school level including student characteristics & fields of degrees.
Digest of Education Statistics
Degrees conferred, completion rates, degrees by field, and outcomes of education.
Beginning Postsecondary Students
Demographic statistics of a cohort of students enrolled in higher education for the first time.
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study
Education and work experiences after completing bachelor's degree.
Secondary Longitudinal Studies Program
Educational attainment, careers & families of young adults from several longitudinal surveys.
Postsecondary Education Transcript Studies
College transcript data from 7 longitudinal studies.
NCES Fast Facts
Degrees awarded, enrollment, graduation rates, historically black colleges and universities, college transition, popular majors time to degree, Title IX.
Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool
Alleged criminal offenses & fire data by college.
Indicators of School Crime & Safety
No. of on-campus criminal incidents, arrests, and hate crimes by year.
Equity in Athletics
Statistics on equal access for men and women to college university athletics, including participation.
College Affordability and Transparency Center
Tuition and net prices of colleges & universities.
FSA Data Center
Federal student aid programs, loan/grant disbursement, Title IV, cohort default rates, Guaranty Agency Reports, & Heightened Cash Monitoring.
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Characteristics of college students and how they finance their education.
State Spending Charts
Changes in state spending on college education, state student aid, tuition, and fees.

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Last Modified: 06/20/2016