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This page lists publications and forms produced by the Federal Election Commission, organized both by title and by type and subject. The Acrobat files (.pdf) on this site can be viewed with the Adobe Reader available from Adobe. The Word files (.doc) can be viewed with Microsoft Word available from Microsoft.

By Title

2000 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2002 Congressional Primary Dates
2004 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2006 Congressional Primary Dates
2008 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2010 Congressional Primary Dates
2012 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2014 Congressional Primary Dates
2016 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
24-Hour Notice of Disbursements/Obligations for Electioneering Communications filed by individuals and groups (Instructions) (Screen-fillable version)
48-Hour Notice of Contributions/Loans Received used to disclose the receipt of last-minute contributions of $1,000 or more (Instructions)
Advisory Opinions
Annual Reports
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
BCRA Supplement
Campaign Guide for Congressional Candidates and Committees (June 2014) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Corporations and Labor Organizations (January 2007) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Nonconnected Committees (August 2008) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees August 2013) [PDF]
Citizen's Guide
Combined Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory
Compliance with Laws Outside the FEC's Jurisdiction
Committee Treasurers
Contribuciones (en Español)
Coordinated Communications and Independent Expenditures
Debt Settlement Plan filed by committees attempting to settle debts for less than the full amount owed
Disclosure and Election Directory, Combined Federal/State
Electioneering Communications
Explanation and Justification (E&J) for Federal Election Commission Regulations
FEC and the Federal Campaign Finance Law
La CEF y la Ley para las Campañas de Elecciones Federales (en Español)
FEC Rules for National Convention Delegates
Federal and State Campaign Finance Laws
Federal Elections 1982: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1984: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1986: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1988: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1990: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1992: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1994: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1996: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1998: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2000: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2002: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2004: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2006: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2008: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2010: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2012: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2014: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory
Filing a Complaint
First Ten Years Report
Foreign Nationals
Glossary of Key FEC Terms [PDF]
Guidebook for Complainants and Respondents on the FEC Enforcement Process [PDF]
Guideline for Presentation in Good Order [PDF] [Word]
Internet Communications and Activity
Internal Controls for Political Committees [PDF]
Local Party Activity
National Mail Voter Registration Form To Register To Vote
Notification of Multicandidate Status filed by parties and PACs (Instructions)
Post-Election Detailed Summary Page (Form 3) (Instructions)
Post-Election Detailed Summary Page (Form 3P) (Instructions)
Presidential Candidates on the 2008 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
Presidential Candidates on the 2012 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
Presidential Candidates on the 2016 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
Presidential Public Funding Program Report (1993)
Public Funding of Presidential Elections
Record, the FEC's News Page
Report of Communication Costs by Corporations and Membership Organizations (Includes instructions) (Screen-fillable version)
Report of Contributions Bundled by Lobbyists/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs [PDF] used by candidates, party committees and Leadership PACs to disclose bundled contributions forwarded by or credited to lobbyists, registrants and their PACs. Instructions [PDF]
Report of Donations Accepted for an Inaugural Committee (includes Schedules 13-A and 13-B) (Instructions)
Report of Independent Expenditures Made and Contributions Received filed by individuals or groups (Instructions) (Screen-fillable version)
Report of Receipts and Disbursements filed by committees or organizations supporting a national nominating convention (includes Schedules A - D) (Instructions)
Report of Receipts and Disbursements filed by unauthorized committees, including PACs and party committees (includes Schedules A - L). (Instructions)
Report of Receipts and Disbursements for House and Senate candidates' authorized campaign committees (includes Schedules A - D and Form 3Z) (Instructions)
Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Presidential candidates' authorized campaign committees (includes Schedules A-P - D-P) (Instructions)
Sale and Use of Information from FEC Reports
Shays Rulemaking Supplement [PDF]
Special Notices on Political Ads and Solicitations
State Campaign Finance Laws
State Disclosure and Election Directory, Combined Federal/
State Election Offices
State Filing Waivers
State Records Offices
Statement of Candidacy used to register candidates for House, Senate and President (Instructions)
Statement of Organization used to register campaign committees (Instructions)
Statement of Organization used to register parties and PACs (Instructions)
The $3 Checkoff
Twenty Year Report
Volunteer Activity
Actividades Voluntarias (en Español)
Your Guide to Researching Public Records

By Type and Subject

Brochures and Articles

Advisory Opinions
Candidate Registration
Citizen's Guide
Committee Treasurers
Compliance with Laws Outside the FEC's Jurisdiction

Contribuciones (en Español)

Coordinated Communications and Independent Expenditures
Electioneering Communications
FEC and the Federal Campaign Finance Law

La CEF y la Ley para las Campañas de Elecciones Federales (en Español)

FEC Rules for National Convention Delegates
Federal and State Campaign Finance Laws
Filing a Complaint
Foreign Nationals
Internet Communications and Activity
Local Party Activity
Public Funding of Presidential Elections
Sale and Use of Information from FEC Reports
Special Notices on Political Ads and Solicitations
The $3 Checkoff
Volunteer Activity

Actividades Voluntarias (en Español)

Campaign Guides and Supplements

BCRA Supplement
Campaign Guide for Congressional Candidates and Committees (June 2014) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Corporations and Labor Organizations (January 2007) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Nonconnected Committees (August 2008) [PDF]
Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees August 2013) [PDF]
Notice to Campaign Guide Users (October 2011) [PDF]
Shays Rulemaking Supplement [PDF]

Reporting Forms

Forms for Candidates

Form 1 Statement of Organization [PDF] used to register campaign committees
Form 1 Instructions [PDF]
Form 2 Statement of Candidacy [PDF] used to register candidates for House, Senate and President
Form 2 Instructions [PDF]
Form 3 Report of Receipts and Disbursements [PDF] for House and Senate candidates' authorized campaign committees (includes Schedules A - D and Form 3Z) . Form 3 Instructions [PDF]

Post-Election Detailed Summary Page (Form 3) [PDF]
(Instructions [PDF])

Form 3L Report of Contributions Bundled by Lobbyists/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs [PDF] used by candidates, party committees and Leadership PACs to disclose bundled contributions forwarded by or credited to lobbyists, registrants and their PACs.
Form 3L Instructions
Form 3P Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Presidential candidates' authorized campaign committees (includes Schedules A-P - D-P)
Form 3P Instructions [PDF]

Post-Election Detailed Summary Page (Form 3P) [PDF]
(Instructions [PDF])

Form 6 48-Hour Notice of Contributions/Loans Received [PDF] used to disclose the receipt of last-minute contributions of $1,000 or more
Form 6 Instructions [PDF]
Form 8 Debt Settlement Plan [PDF] filed by committees attempting to settle debts for less than the full amount owed
Form 8 Instructions [PDF]
Form 13 Report of Donations Accepted for Inaugural Committee [PDF]
Form 13 Instructions [PDF]

Forms for PACs and Parties

Form 1 Statement of Organization [PDF] used to register parties and PACs
Form 1 Instructions [PDF]
Form 1M Notification of Multicandidate Status [PDF] filed by parties and PACs
Form 1M Instructions [PDF]
Form 3L Report of Contributions Bundled by Lobbyists/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs [PDF] used by candidates, party committees and Leadership PACs to disclose bundled contributions forwarded by or credited to lobbyists, registrants and their PACs.
Form 3L Instructions
Form 3X Report of Receipts and Disbursements [PDF] filed by unauthorized committees, including PACs and party committees (includes Schedules A - L)
Form 3X Instructions [PDF]
Form 4 Report of Receipts and Disbursements [PDF] filed by committees or organizations supporting a national nominating convention (includes Schedules A - D)
Form 4 Instructions [PDF]
Form 8 Debt Settlement Plan [PDF] filed by committees attempting to settle debts for less than the full amount owed
Form 8 Instructions [PDF]

Forms for Other Filers

Form 5 Report of Independent Expenditures Made and Contributions Received [PDF] filed by individuals or groups
Form 5 Instructions [PDF]
Form 7 Report of Communication Costs by Corporations and Membership Organizations (Includes Instructions) [PDF]
Screen-fillable Version [PDF]
Form 9 24-Hour Notice of Disbursements/Obligations for Electioneering Communications [PDF] filed by individuals and groups
Screen-fillable Version [PDF]
Form 9 Instructions [PDF]

Other Publications

2000 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2002 Congressional Primary Dates
2004 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2006 Congressional Primary Dates
2008 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2010 Congressional Primary Dates
2012 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
2014 Congressional Primary Dates
2016 Presidential and Congressional Primary Dates
Annual Reports
Combined Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory
Explanation and Justification (E&J) for Federal Election Commission Regulations
Federal Elections 1982: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1984: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1986: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1988: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1990: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1992: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1994: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1996: Election Results for the U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 1998: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2000: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2002: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2004: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2006: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2008: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2010: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2012: Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal Elections 2014: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives
Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory
Guidebook for Complainants and Respondents on the FEC Enforcement Process [PDF]
Guideline for Presentation in Good Order [PDF] [Word]
Internal Controls for Political Committees [PDF]
Presidential Candidates on the 2008 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
Presidential Candidates on the 2012 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
Presidential Candidates on the 2016 General Election Ballots of Each State and the District of Columbia
State Campaign Finance Laws
State Election Offices
State Filing Waivers
State Records Offices
Your Guide to Researching Public Records