USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Horn of Africa

Behind the Scenes: Interview with Andrew Hoell on Dryness Conditions in East Africa


In this edition of our “Behind the Scenes” Interview blog series, we chat with Dr. Andrew Hoell on dryness conditions in East Africa and the impact of climate change on food and water security. Read more >>

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Having the Right Tools at the Right Time to Meet Food Assistance Needs

Flour made from Turkish wheat purchased for the Syria response. Photo credit: State Department

Using resources available under its Emergency Food Security Program, USAID strives to respond to crises to best meet the needs of vulnerable populations. Read more >>

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USAID Finalist for Service to America Medal

A displaced child feeds at a camp in Mogadishu—one of the more than 13 million people affected by the 2011 famine in Somalia. Photo credit: AFP PHOTO/ Mustafa Abdi

On May 6, USAID’s Cara Christie and the Horn Drought Humanitarian Response Team were selected for their outstanding work identifying and coordinating U.S. humanitarian relief efforts during the 2011 Somalia famine. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Developing Global Partnerships for Development

Ruth Kamula, a community-based seed producer in Kiboko, Kenya

One of the ways USAID is working to meet the Millennium Development Goals is through its Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa project.

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U.S. Recognition of Government of Somalia for First Time in 20 Years

Somali woman_small

Yesterday, the U.S. government formally recognized the Government of Somalia for the first time in 20 years. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Catching Ethiopians Before They Fall

A beneficiary of the USAID-supported Productive Safety Net Program living near the Mai-Aqui site, in Tigray, Ethiopia

Today, one of Africa’s largest social safety nets does not just protect against chronic food insecurity, it helps communities weather the future. Read more >>

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Aid Effectiveness and USAID’s New Resilience Policy

USAID/OFDA, in partnership with Catholic Relief Services, also provided hygiene kits, water containers, sleeping mats, and water purification tablets to families in a village on the outskirts of New Bataan city which bore the brunt of the storm. Photo credit: Lisa Gabriel, USAID/OFDA

USAID’s new policy “Resilience” is about using existing development dollars more effectively in disaster prone regions Read more >>

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Storify Features This Week at USAID

mavc storify

This week has been a busy one at USAID Headquarters in Washington, D.C.! Read more >>

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Does the New Resilience Policy Have Staying Power?

Villages that have received Mercy Corps training and initial seeds to build community gardens are faring much better than other villages in the region that have not. They have a wide variety of produce they can use to feed their families, as well as excess to sell in the local markets. Photo Credit: Cassandra Nelson, Mercy Corp

The global “resilience” agenda is exciting – and overdue. The idea that aid should invest not just in responding to crises, but also in preventing, mitigating, and helping people adapt to them, has been around for a long time. Read more >>

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From Conflict to Coping

Tisda, Mercy Corps Program Officer, in Ethiopia

Last summer, amidst the Horn of Africa’s worst drought in generations, Mercy Corps received encouraging news from local officials in the Somali-Oromiya region of Ethiopia.  In this area – long known for conflict, scarce resources and harsh conditions – communities that had participated in USAID-supported Mercy Corps peacebuilding efforts were reportedly coping better than they […]

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