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Tag archives for Africa

If Fighting Hunger Were an Olympic Event

Emmanuel Ngulube visits programs in the field. /USAID

One of USAID’s best weapons for fighting hunger in Malawi is Emmanuel Ngulube, an officer with the Agency’s Office of Food for Peace who has dedicated his entire career to fighting hunger across Africa.

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Responding to Madagascar’s ‘Silent’ Emergency

20160518 Ambovombe WFP School Canteen 3

Because of its slow onset, Southern Africa’s drought may not be headline news. But its impacts are being felt by millions. At least 12.8 million people in Southern Africa will face crisis levels of food insecurity by the end of this year. Madagascar has been especially hard hit. About 80 percent of the population in […]

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Q&A: How We Are Working To Rid Mozambique of A Blinding Disease

​A community drug distributor provides a young mother with ​the ​appropriate dose of the trachoma-fighting drug Zithromax as part of ​a mass drug administration in Mozambique. / RTI International

Trachoma, an eye infection that is the world’s leading cause of blindness, plagues millions of people in Mozambique due to poor sanitary conditions. But a collaboration between the government and international partners such as USAID is helping reduce the risk of infection.

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Innovative HIV-Prevention Product for Women Could Be New Tool in the Fight for an AIDS-Free Gen

The Ring Study findings may give new hope to women who need diverse options to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS./ Matthew Willman/Oxfam, Courtesy of Photoshare

A new USAID-supported monthly vaginal ring is the first HIV prevention method designed specifically for women to be confirmed effective in two large clinical trials. This innovative product has the potential to contribute to the goal of an AIDS-free generation.

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When The Sweet Potato Goes Viral: A New Approach to Nutrition Programming in Northern Ghana

Women prepare a highly nutritious meal from the orange-fleshed sweet potato, a vitamin A-rich crop introduced in Northern Ghana. / USAID/Ghana

USAID’s new nutrition strategy is creating life-changing results. Read on to learn how integrating sectors like agriculture into nutrition programs has had a big impact on communities in Northern Ghana.

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Q&A: What A Year Without Polio in Nigeria Means

A health worker administers a polio vaccine to a girl in Nigeria. / Courtesy of TSCHIP

July 24 marked one year since the last reported case of wild polio in Nigeria. This is a significant milestone for the largest country by population in Africa and, historically, a major reservoir of the virus.

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USAID Seeds Innovation: 15 Social Entrepreneurs Making a Difference

Field engineer, Mathew, stress tests Smart Tractor at test farm in Kaduna as kids from nearby village look. / Jehiel Oliver.

With interests ranging from “Uber for tractors” to rights for the visually impaired, the innovations from this year’s Echoing Green Global Fellows are providing essential services, creating jobs and reducing poverty — often through market-based solutions.

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Equipping Africa to Support Its Own Development

This Ethiopian man and a crew of three others pick up milk twice a day thanks to a USAID livestock development project, part of Feed the Future, that focuses on fostering growth and reducing poverty through improving the productivity and competitiveness of Ethiopia’s livestock value chains. / USAID

The global development community is coming together to make several big decisions on how to finance the Sustainable Development Goals. One way to do this is through domestic resource mobilization, or helping countries better fund their own development.

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Solar Lamps Shed Light in Rural Communities

Lucy Sakuda, 47, uses her M-KOPA solar powered light in her home in Olorien, Kenya to cook at night. Before buying a solar panel, the nearest power source was 15 miles away. She has saved so much from not having to buy kerosene that she was able to get new furniture. / Morgana Wingard

President Obama’s Power Africa initiative aims to help private sector partners realize their potential in scaling affordable energy access to remote communities who live beyond the grid–a key ingredient for spurring economic growth.

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The Heart of Progress: Transformation in Africa

A community solution provider in rural Senegal, Hapsatou Kah is giving her community access to better health and nutrition. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

This week, President Obama travels to Africa to see how U.S. development efforts have helped transform communities. USAID helped deliver this change, but our results aren’t just numbers. The people behind our work–more than any statistic–reflect the meaning of our progress.

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