Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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1000 - Federal Deposit Insurance Act



SEC. 1. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
SEC. 2. Management
SEC. 3. Definitions

(a) Definitions of bank and related terms
(b) Definitions of savings associations and related terms
(c) Definitions relating to depository institutions
(d) Definitions relating to member banks
(e) Definitions relating to nonmember bank
(f) Mutual savings bank
(g) Savings bank
(h) Insured bank and noninsured bank
(i) New bank and bridge bank
(j) Receiver
(k) Board of Directors
(l) Deposit and money or its equivalent
(m) Insured deposit
(n) Transferred deposit
(o) Domestic branch
(p) Trust funds
(q) Appropriate Federal banking agency
(r) State bank supervisor
(s) Definitions relating to foreign banks and branches
(t) Includes, including
(u) Institution-affiliated party
(v) Violation
(w) Definitions relating to affiliates of depository institutions
(x) Definitions relating to default
(y) Deposit insurance fund
(z) Federal banking agency

SEC. 4. Admission of banks to Federal deposit insurance
SEC. 5. Deposit insurance
SEC. 6. Factors to be considered

SEC. 7. Assessments; reports; insurance of trust funds

(a) Reports of condition of insured banks and insured branches of foreign banks; Corporation's access to reports of condition and examination of national and State member banks
(b) Assessments
(c) Certified statements; payments
(d) Corporation exempt from apportionment
(e) Refunds
(f) Action against insured banks for failure to file reports of condition or certified statements
(g) Action by Corporation to recover unpaid assessments
(h) Forfeiture of rights of national banks for failure to file reports of condition or certified statements
(i) Insurance of trust funds
(j) Changes in control of insured banks; reports
(k) Disclosure and reports to Federal banking agencies; rules and regulations
( l ) Designation of fund membership for newly insured depository institutions; definitions
(m) Secondary reserve offsets against premiums
(n) Collections on behalf of the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision

SEC. 8. Termination of insured status; cease-and-desist proceedings; suspension or removal of directors or officers

(a) Termination of insurance
(b) Cease-and-desist orders; effective date; supervisory authority of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System over bank holding companies and their nonbanking subsidiaries
(c) Temporary cease-and-desist orders; effective date; injunctions against enforcement
(d) Injunctions to enforce temporary cease-and-desist orders
(e) Removal and prohibition authority
(f) Stay of suspension orders or of orders prohibiting participation in bank affairs
(g) Suspension, removal, and prohibition from participation orders in the case of certain criminal offenses
(h) Hearings; decisions; judicial review of orders
(i) Applications for enforcement of orders; jurisdiction
(j) Criminal penalty
(k) [Reserved]
( l ) Service of notices
(m) Notice to State authorities; action by State authorities
(n) Conduct of proceedings; administration of oaths and affirmations; taking of depositions; issuance of subpenas; etc.
(o) Termination of insured status of national and State member banks
(p) Termination of insured status of insured banking institution not engaged in business of receiving deposits
(q) Termination of insured status of bank whose liabilities are assumed by another insured bank
(r) Termination of insured status of a foreign branch; determination of venue
(s) Compliance with monetary transaction recordkeeping and report requirements
(t) Authority of FDIC to take enforcement action against insured depository institutions and institution-affiliated parties
(u) Public disclosures of final orders and agreements
(v) Foreign Investigations
(w) Termination of insurance for money laundering or cash transaction reporting offenses

SEC. 9. Powers of Corporation
SEC. 10. Administration of Corporation
SEC. 11. Insurance Fund

(a) Deposit insurance
(b) When bank deemed closed on account of inability to meet demands of its depositors
(c) Appointment of Corporation as conservator or receiver
(d) Powers and duties of Corporation as conservator or receiver
(e) Provisions relating to contracts entered into before appointment of conservator or receiver
(f) Payment of insured deposits
(g) Subrogation of Corporation
(h) Conditions applicable to resolution proceedings
(i) Valuation of claims in default
(j) Limitation on court action
(k) Liability of directors and officers
( l ) Damages
(m) New banks
(n) Bridge banks
(o) Supervisory records
(p) Certain sales of assets prohibited
(q) Expedited procedures for certain claims
(r) Foreign investigations
(s) Prohibition on entering secrecy agreements and protective orders
(t) Agencies may share information without waiving privilege
(u) Purchase rights of tenants
(v) Preference for sales for homeless families
(w) Preference for sales of certain commercial real properties

SEC. 11A. FSLIC Resolution Fund
SEC. 12. Powers and privileges of Corporation as receiver of closed insured banks
SEC. 13. Miscellaneous powers and privileges of Corporation
SEC. 14. Borrowing authority
SEC. 15. Exemption of Corporation from taxation
SEC. 16. Forms for notes, debentures, bonds, and other obligations of the Corporation

SEC. 17. Annual report; audit of financial transactions
SEC. 18. Regulation of insured banks

(a) Insurance logo
(b) Payment of dividends while in default in payment of assessments
(c) Mergers, consolidations, deposit assumptions; asset acquisitions; standards governing approval; moratorium on conversion of insured banks from mutual to stock form of organization
(d) Establishing new branches and moving main office or branch
(e) Protection against burglary, defalcation, or other insurable losses
(f) Failure to comply with Corporation's recommendations based on reports of examination
(g) Regulation of payment and advertisement of interest on deposits
(h) Failure or refusal to file certified statements; penalty
(i) Capital stock reductions or retirements; conversions
(j) Restrictions on transactions with affiliates and insiders
(k) Authority to regulate or prohibit certain forms of benefits to institution-affiliated parties
( l ) Acquisition of stock and other evidence of ownership in foreign financial institutions by insured State nonmember banks
(m) Activities of savings associations and their subsidiaries
(n) Calculation of capital
(o) Real estate lending
(p) Periodic review of capital standards
(q) Sovereign risk
(r) Subsidiary depository institutions as agents for certain affiliates
(s) Prohibition on certain affiliations
(t) Recordkeeping requirements
(u) Limitation on claims
(v) Loans by insured institution on their own stock
(w) Written employment references may contain suspicions of involvement in illegal activity
(x) Privileges not affected by disclosure to banking agency or supervisor

SEC. 19. Penalty for unauthorized participation by convicted individual
SEC. 20. Insured State nonmember bank participation in lotteries prohibited
SEC. 21. Retention of records by insured banks
SEC. 22. Nondiscrimination provision

SEC. 23. Separability provision

SEC. 24. Activities of insured state banks
SEC. 25. Limitations and disclosures with respect to certain federally related mortgage loans
SEC. 26. [Repealed]

SEC. 27. Interest rates on loans by State banks or insured branches of foreign banks

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Last updated June 29, 2012 regs@fdic.gov