AWE Resource Library

Metering and Submetering

The Alliance for Water Efficiency supports full metering of all urban water customers.  Metering of customers and submetering of separate residential or commercial units has been proven to be an effective water efficiency measure.  The AWE Resource Library pages listed below offer information on metering and submetering as well as links to the latest research and information about this important end user category.





Metering Introduction 

Dedicated Irrigation Meter Introduction 

Smart Metering Introduction 

TWRI (2015) Considerations for Adopting AMI and AMR

Submetering Introduction 

Mayer, P. et. al. (2004) National Submetering and Allocation Billing Program Study 


Definition of Terms

Looking for a quick definition of a water or conservation related term or concept?  The AWE Glossary has an extensive list of the most commonly used terms in the biz.

AWE Glossary of Common Water Related Terms, Abbreviations, and Definitions 

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