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Prevented Planting and the 2011 Flood
Feb 15, 2012

Q: My land was flooded by a breach in a levee in 2011 and is now available to plant. Can I elect to increase my prevented planting coverage to PP +5 or PP +10, even though the levee has not been rebuilt to the prior specifications (i.e., that existed before the 2011 flood event)?
A: Even though the levees have not been completely repaired to prior specifications, IF no cause of loss (i.e., flooding) exists that could or would prevent planting at the time the insured requests to increase prevented planting coverage, then the insured would be able to increase the prevented planting coverage amount. This determination is made by the approved insurance provider. See Section 17(b)(4) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy.

Q: In the 2011 flood event, my land was severely scoured and had sand deposited on the acreage. In 2011, I planted corn and had 65% coverage and received an indemnity.

a.) Can I collect preventing planting in 2012?
Answer: Yes, you can collect prevented planting if all other eligibility requirements are met. Since you had insurance coverage in 2011 and the cause of loss occurred on or after the sales closing date of March 15th, 2011, which is during the prevented planting insurance period for the 2012 crop year, you will be able to collect prevented planting in 2012 if you are unable to plant. Documentation should be maintained and provided to your insurance company that demonstrates why the land could not be returned to farmable conditions.

b.) Can I collect prevented planting in 2013?
Answer: No. If field conditions have not been restored so that your land is available for planting, you will not be able to collect prevented planting on this acreage. This is because the 2011 flood event (i.e., cause of loss) will now be outside the prevented planting insurance period for the 2013 crop year. See Section 17(a)(1)(ii) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy.

Q: My land in the river bottom, which I have farmed for several years, is currently available to plant. In 2011, I did not have crop insurance. In January 2012, I signed an application to purchase crop insurance for corn and soybeans at the 65% coverage level. Will I be eligible for prevented planting for the 2012 crop year?
A: You would be eligible only if the cause of loss occurs on or after the applicable sales closing date for the 2012 crop year (March 15, 2012 for most crops). If the cause of loss occurs prior to the applicable sales closing date, you will not be eligible for prevented planting since the cause of loss occurred prior to your prevented planting insurance period. See Section 17(a)(1)(i) of the Common Crop Insurance Policy.

For more information, contact the Topeka Regional Office.

Last Modified: 03/02/2012
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