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NOAA NOAA United States Department of Commerce

National Hurricane Center Staff

Contact information may be found at the NOAA Staff Directory or DOC Person Finder.
A monthly Q & A series with NHC employees is also available.

Office of the Director

Rick Knabb, Ph.D. [Bio]

Deputy Director
Ed Rappaport, Ph.D. [Bio]

Executive Officer
Christopher Burr

NOAA Public Affairs Officer
Dennis Feltgen [Bio]

Administrative Officer
Jannette Perez


Administrative Assistant
Petra Gonzalez

Hurricane Specialist Unit (HSU)

Branch Chief
James Franklin [Bio]

Senior Hurricane Specialists
Lixion Avila, Ph.D. [Bio]
Jack Beven, Ph.D. [Bio]
Michael Brennan, Ph.D. [Bio]
Daniel Brown [Bio] – Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM)
Richard Pasch, Ph.D. [Bio]
Stacy R. Stewart [Bio]

Hurricane Specialists
Robbie Berg [Bio]
Eric Blake [Bio]
John Cangialosi [Bio]
Todd Kimberlain [Bio]

U.S. Navy Hurricane Specialist
Dave Roberts

Tropical Analysis & Forecast Branch (TAFB)

Branch Chief
Hugh Cobb

Lead Forecasters
Eric Christensen [Bio]
Jeffery Lewitsky
Martin Nelson
Scott Stripling

Jorge Aguirre-Echevarria
Andrew Latto
Andrew Levine
Carl McElroy
Dan Mundell
Gladys Rubio [Bio]

Surface Analyst Forecasters
Mike Formosa
Marshall Huffman
Nelsie Ramos, Ph.D. [Bio]
Mike Tichacek
Patricia Wallace

Surface Analyst Interns
Evelyn Rivera-Acevedo

Technology & Science Branch (TSB)

Branch Chief
Mark DeMaria, Ph.D.

Science and Operations Officer (SOO)
Christopher Landsea, Ph.D. [Bio]

Programming and Software Development
Monica Bozeman
Craig Mattocks, Ph.D.
Christopher Mello
Matt Sardi
David Zelinsky

Storm Surge Unit (SSU)

Team Lead
Jamie Rhome [Bio]

NOAA Contract Support
William Booth
Cody Fritz
Ethan Gibney
Laura Paulik
Tarah Sharon
Taylor Trogdon
Brian Zachry, Ph.D. [Bio]

Support Personnel

Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination, All Hurricanes (CARCAH)
Steve Feuer
Warren Madden [Bio]
John Pavone – Chief [Bio]

FEMA/Department of Homeland Security
Matthew Green
Tiffany Hersey

Library and Information Services
Gloria Aversano

Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP)
Matt Onderlinde, Ph.D.
Andrew Penny, Ph.D.
Jeri Lynn Schwietert
Anu Simon, Ph.D.

Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT)
Jose Salazar

Administrative Support
Margaret Rodriguez

Atlantic Hurricane Database Reanalysis Project
Sandy Delgado