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Working with Section 106

Section 106 Regulations (in PDF)
Text of ACHP's regulations, "Protection of Historic Properties" (36 CFR Part 800) (incorporates amendments effective Aug. 5, 2004)

ACHP Guidance on Protecting Sensitive Information on Historic Properties Now Available
The ACHP announces its new Frequently Asked Questions guidance document on protecting sensitive information about historic properties under Section 304 of the NHPA. It is best viewed from Google Chrome or Firefox.

The ACHP's Guidance on Preservation Conditions is Now Available!
The ACHP announces its new "Guidance on the Use of Real Property Restrictions or Conditions in the Section 106 Process to Avoid Adverse Effects". It is best viewed from Google Chrome or Firefox.

Section 106 Guidance, Advice, and Assistance for Users
Publications, guidance, opinions, and information to assist Section 106 users in applying the regulations.

Electronic 106 System Now Available
The ACHP is pleased to announce the availability of its voluntary Electronic Section 106 Documentation Submittal System (e106) for use by any federal agency (or officially delegated non-federal entity) when notifying the ACHP of a finding of adverse effect, inviting the ACHP to be a consulting party to resolve adverse effects, or proposing to develop a Programmatic Agreement for complex or multiple undertakings.

The e106 system is designed to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of the Section 106 review process by providing federal agencies with an electronic submittal system that serves to expedite a critical step in Section 106 review and encourage complete and accurate submissions that can be shared with others. Read the announcement regarding the availability of this system.

Download the Instructions for the Form
Download the Form in Microsoft Word
Download the form in Microsoft Word Compatibility Format

Section 106 E-Newsletters
Read about Section 106 News here. If you want to sign up to receive the e-newsletter in your own inbox, email your request to

Section 106 E-News 6-3-16
Section 106 E-News 3-16-15

Action Plan to Support SHPOs and THPOs
ACHP members adopted an action plan to support State Historic Preservation Officers and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers at the summer 2015 business meeting. Read about that plan here.

New Applicant Guidance for Unified Federal Review for Disaster Recovery
The ACHP, in coordination with the inter-agency Steering Group comprised of the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Council on Environmental Quality, is pleased to announce the release of the Unified Federal Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Guide for Federal Disaster Recovery Assistance Applicants (Applicant Guide). To learn more about the UFR Process and to access the Applicant Guide, please visit the Unified Federal Review webpage.

State-by-State List of ACHP Signed Agreement Documents
In hundreds of cases throughout the country, the ACHP participates in consultation on the development of Section 106 agreement documents that evidence federal agency commitments to resolving adverse effects. Read the individual agreement documents here.

Guidance on Agreement Documents
The ACHP is pleased to announce the availability of its "Guidance on Agreement Documents" (GAD). GAD is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Section 106 in crafting and implementing such agreements.

Section 106 Applicant Toolkit
This Toolkit provides helpful tips and advice for applicants navigating the Section 106 process to make better informed decisions to improve outcomes in the review process and avoid unnecessary delays.

Handbook on Coordinating NEPA and Section 106
The White House Council on Environmental Quality and the ACHP released a handbook to provide practical advice to practitioners and stakeholders to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal agencies’ environmental review.

Identifying ACHP Contacts for Section 106
The Office of Federal Agency Programs (OFAP) represents the ACHP in Section 106 cases. Use the OFAP Agency Organizational Chart to identify the appropriate OFAP contact for assistance with a Section 106 issue related to a specific federal agency. If you have an issue with an agency not listed on this chart, please contact Odette Williams, administrative assistant, at 202-517-0228 or

OFAP is organized into two sections to address program and policy development in key areas. Use the OFAP Policy Organizational Chart to identify the appropriate section and point of contact in OFAP to address issues relating to these policy areas.

Protecting Historic Properties: A Citizen's Guide to Section 106 (2015 edition)

ACHP Case Digest
Section 106 case highlights

Section 106 Archaeology Guidance

Section 213 Report

Energy, Transmission and Historic Preservation
This web page serves as a central link to a range of resources regarding ACHP involvement and activities related to energy development and transmission project in the Section 106 process.

Review of Section 106 Regs Under E.O. 13563
Consistent with the requirements of Executive Order 13563, "Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review," the ACHP has completed a review of the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The ACHP adopted a plan for completing this and future reviews on August 11, 2011. Read the plan.
Read the summary of public comments and actions.
March 2014 Update

Program Alternatives – 36 CFR § 800.14

Nominate Your Federal Activity for the ACHP Chairman's Award for Federal Achievement in Historic Preservation

ACHP Native American Program: Guidance for Federal Agencies
Information for federal agencies working with Native Americans in the Section 106 process

ACHP's Archeology Task Force
Guidance for archeology conducted under Section 106

Section 106 Training and Education
Information on ACHP training activities

Federal Historic Preservation Case Law, 1966-2000
Handbook of federal historic preservation cases

Updated January 12, 2017

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