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Home arrow Publications arrow Intro: Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Northern New Mexico Perspectives
Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Northern New Mexico Perspectives

2002; 16 pages; available online in PDF
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Heritage tourism offers a triple benefit to communities—it promotes the preservation of their historic resources, educates both tourists and local residents about America's historic and cultural heritage, and results in substantial benefits for local economies.

The report, Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Northern New Mexico Perspectives, summarizes key themes that emerged from an issues forum convened by ACHP in August 2002 that tapped into the region's vast experience with heritage tourism. Representatives from northern New Mexico's Federal, State, local, tribal, nonprofit, and business organizations offered perspectives on the following questions:

  • Are there exemplary intergovernmental and public-private partnerships in the region that could serve as models for Federal policies, programs, and action?
  • What are the views of governmental representatives, organizations, and business interests on the proposed Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area and its potential to support and sustain heritage tourism and related economic development?
  • What critical needs and gaps must be addressed, or obstacles overcome, in pursuing public-private partnerships to promote and support heritage tourism?
  • How can the Federal Government improve its support of local and regional heritage tourism efforts in north central New Mexico?

To order copies

Heritage Tourism and the Federal Government: Northern New Mexico Perspectives is available at no charge from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 803, Washington, DC 20004. After we receive your order, please allow five to seven business days for delivery. For more information, call or e-mail Denise Stanley (phone 202-606-8503).

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Updated September 24, 2011

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