Jeff Lawrence, May 31, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 31, 2006

Weather Data from Bridge as of 0730 Hours
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Wind direction: 340 deg. (NNW)
Wind Speed:  1 knot, light winds
Sea level pressure: 1014
Present weather: mostly cloudy, cool outside, calm seas
Temperature:  49 deg. wet/dry 50.0 deg.

One of the RAINIER’s boat launches going off  on a beautiful day in SE Alaska.

One of the RAINIER’s boat launches going off on a beautiful day in SE Alaska.

Science and Technology Log 

Today I was invited to ride along to Sitka to pick up four crew members and the mail.  The day was beautiful and the boat ride was terrific.  Sitka has been a part of Alaskan history for a long time. The Russians were the 1st Europeans to settle at Sitka.  It was also where Russia turned over Alaska to the U.S. after the purchase by Secretary of State Seward. It was an early capital of Alaska before moving to Juneau. The harbor and city were spectacular, off in the distant background was Mt. Edgecumbe.

Three of the crew we picked up will be returning to the RAINIER after leave. The other passenger has just finished NOAA Corps officer basic training and will be boarding the RAINIER for the first time.  ENS Tim Smith will begin his career with NOAA aboard the RAINIER. Tim is a native of Rhode Island.

Russian Orthodox Church in Sitka

Russian Orthodox Church in Sitka

Personal Log 

Today was a spectacular day in SE Alaska full of warm sunshine, calm winds, and calm water. Later in the day it began to cloud up but the winds remained calm.  On the way to Sitka I was able to observe dozens of sea otter, a sea lion, and a porpoise.  Sitka looks like a picturesque town and popular tourist location for large cruise ships.  There was a large cruise ship in the bay when we arrived.  The surrounding mountains and the backdrop of Mt. Edgecumbe makes for beautiful landscape photos.

Questions of the Day 

How many ships are in the NOAA fleet? What is the name of the 2 ships that do hydrography in Alaska? Approximately how many glaciers does Alaska have? What is the capital of Alaska? What is the capital’s latitude and longitude? When did Alaska become a state?

Ceremonial Tlingit Canoe

Ceremonial Tlingit Canoe

After a dip at the Hot Springs, back to the  RAINIER paddling a kayak in calm waters.

After a dip at the Hot Springs, back to the RAINIER paddling a kayak in calm waters.

Jeff Lawrence, May 30, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 30, 2006

AB Leslie Abramson & Chief Steve Foye  piloting the ship

AB Leslie Abramson & Chief Steve Foye piloting the ship

Weather Data from Bridge as of 0730 Hours: 
Visibility: 10.0m miles
Wind direction: 350 deg. (N)
Wind Speed:  2 knots
Sea level pressure: 1018
Present weather: Scattered cirrocumulus clouds, sun shining brilliantly – It’s a beautiful morning in SE Alaska.
Temperature:  49 deg. wet/dry 50 deg.

Science and Technology Log 

Earlier this week I went out on launch RA 6 to run some lines off Biorka Island.  The weather was a little dreary and cold but made much warmer by the crew, which consisted of Chief Boatswain Steve Foye, AB (Able Body Seaman) Leslie Abramson, and LTJG (Lieutenant Junior Grade) Nicola Samuelson.

LTJG Nicola Samuelson collecting sonar data aboard RA 6

LTJG Nicola Samuelson collecting sonar data aboard RA 6

Seas were a little rough running between 4 and 6-foot swells, but the crew did an excellent job staying on their lines and completing the task assigned. Conditions are not always ideal, yet the job must still be done.  If seas are too rough the crew will head to a bay or protected area that still needs to be worked.  Steering a boat in rough sea conditions isn’t easy.  Chief Foye was on board to assist AB Abramson if needed.  Leslie did an excellent job controlling the boat while down below LTJG Samuelson was collecting the data from the sonar.  LTJG Samuelson has finished her 2-year assignment with the RAINIER and will be heading to Rhode Island for her next duty station when we reach our next port stop of Juneau.

Personal Log 

This day was an interesting one. I learned when you feel nausea or seasickness it is better to eat something even though you don’t fell like doing so at the time.  I really enjoyed learning so much about the day-to-day data collection techniques used by the crew of the RAINIER. The equipment is quite sophisticated and the people using it are very well trained. LTJG Samuelson was very helpful in explaining how the data is collected, stored, retrieved, and used to make the nautical navigation charts that NOAA publishes.  The boatswain crews are well trained and do a good job piloting the launch boats through strong tide currents, rocky coastlines, and even rough seas.

Questions of the Day 

How deep is a fathom?

When a ship anchors there are red, white, and blue chain links to show how deep the anchor is. What is the length between these colors called?

How long is this length of chain?

How much does one anchor on the RAINIER weigh?

How much does one marked length of chain weigh on the RAINIER?

What is the keel of a ship?

What is meant when people are talking about a ship or boats draft?

What does it mean when a ships bell rings continuously for 5-6 seconds every minute when it is anchored in open water?

Thanks to Ordinary Seaman Megan Guberski for helping me to pose and answer some of these questions.

Jeff Lawrence, May 29, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 29, 2006

Laurel Jennings & Tonya Watson Nick Gianoutsos

Laurel Jennings & Tonya Watson

Weather Data from Bridge
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Wind direction: 290 deg. (WNW)
Wind Speed:  calm
Sea level pressure: 1016
Present weather: scattered to mostly cloudy skies, calm winds
Temperature: 48 de. wet/dry 50 deg.

Science and Technology Log 

Today I visited the plot room.  It is always a busy place.  After the data has come in from the launch boats which have run the lines they were assigned for that day, the data is then downloaded to computers for processing so that accurate navigation charts can be made.  Nick Gianoutsos and Shawn Gonzales both showed me how they clean up the data so it can be processed to make charts of the bottom of the channels, narrows, and waterways used by navigators throughout Alaska. The final product must both be accurate and reliable so that ships can trust the charts they are reading and using to plot navigation points and travel safely through hazardous coastal areas.

 Nick Gianoutsos

Nick Gianoutsos

Wrangell Narrows is where the data has been being collected from for the past couple of weeks. Wrangell Narrows extends almost 21 miles from the Sumner Strait to the south up to Frederick Sound to the north, near Petersburg, Alaska.  The channel is very narrow in places, with dangerous ledges and strong tidal currents, and can be a treacherous waterway for larger boats if not marked and navigated properly.  Cruise ships, Alaska State Ferries, tugs and barges, freight boats, pleasure boats, and commercial fishing boats navigate the channel. Some of the cargo that travels through the Narrows includes: lumber products, fish products, petroleum products, provisions, and general cargo.  There are no roads to Petersburg, so everything has to come by boat or plane. The narrows can be a busy place for traffic in this area of Alaska.  All known dangers in the Narrows are charted and most are marked.  The mean range of the tide is 13.4 feet and diurnal range is 15.7 feet at Petersburg.

Shawn Gonzales & Nick Gianoutsos

Shawn Gonzales & Nick Gianoutsos

Members of the crew aboard the NOAA ship RAINIER are entering and analyzing data from the survey lines run from the launch boats during the day.  This data will give an accurate indication of what lies below the water and also what lies above it.  The crew aboard RAINIER keeps working, long after regular work hours are over. Crunching the numbers from a launch into useable data for charts for navigation.  

Personal Log 

Today I was privileged to see a part of Alaska, Biorka Island, which is northwest of where we were near Petersburg in the Wrangell Narrows.  The change of scenery was exciting and nearby are hot springs which are very warm and relaxing according to some of the crew who spent time there after hours.

Question of the Day 

Using the information from log #4, which was Thursday’s log, how long will it take a ship that travels at 15 knots per hour to transit 231 miles?

Chief Survey Technician: Jim Jacobson

Chief Survey Technician: Jim Jacobson

Jeff Lawrence, May 28, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 28, 2006

Weather Data from Bridge
Visibility: 7.0 miles
Wind direction: 210 deg.  SSW
Wind Speed:  8 knots
Sea level pressure: 1006 mb
Present weather: overcast with light rain
Temperature:  48 deg. wet/dry 48 deg.

Mt. Edgecumbe Volcano near Biorka Island

Mt. Edgecumbe Volcano near Biorka Island

Science and Technology Log 

Today is the first full day at Biorka Island, the ship anchored here yesterday afternoon.  In the background is Mt. Edgecumbe a volcano on Kruzof Island.  On the journey from the Wrangell Narrows we encountered some small swells but overall a smooth trip. It takes many parts to make a whole when it comes to keeping a ship the size of RAINIER running.  Engineers and Stewards are the people aboard RAINIER who keep the ship moving.  The engineers work about the ship fixing any problems that arise, do general maintenance, and keep the RAINIER in ship shape condition.  There are 4 stewards aboard the RAINIER and have the most important job, which is feeding the crew of the RAINIER. To keep up moral on a ship it is important to feed the crew quality meals that satisfy their appetites after a busy day at sea.  The stewards aboard the Rainier are:

  • Chief Steward: Sergio Taguba
  • Chief Cook: Doretha Mackey
  • 2nd Cook: Floyd Pounds
  • 2nd Cook: Raul Quiros

The same day I flew into Petersburg and boarded RAINIER Milton Ellison from Michigan arrived to begin his new job as a general vessel assistant (GVA).  He has spent 8 years in the Navy and several more years in the civilian workforce. Milton has signed on to finish up retirement with NOAA.  There are ten crews members aboard the RAINIER that make up Electronics and Engineering departments.  NOAA provides many opportunities for those eager to experience new adventures.

The stewards always have a good variety of delicious food.

The stewards always have a good variety of delicious food.

Personal Log 

Crew member GVA Milton Ellison doing  ship maintenance on the RAINIER.

GVA Milton Ellison doing ship maintenance

We are anchored in Hot Springs Bay, another beautiful view of the Alaskan coastline. Mt. Edgecumbe is in the distant background giving spectacular panoramic views of the area. The crew was able to visit the hot springs in the area last night.  Today we will run lines around Biorka Island in the launch boats.

Questions of the Day 

What is the name of the large volcano on an Island just to the northwest of Biorka Island near Sitka? Is the volcano active or dormant? How high is the volcano in elevation (ft.)? What is the latitude and longitude of this volcano? What is the highest peak volcano in Washington State? How high is it? What ship in the NOAA fleet is named after it?

Jeff Lawrence, May 27, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 27, 2006

Weather Data from Bridge
Visibility: Fog 0.0 miles
Wind direction: 310 deg. NW
Wind Speed:  8 knots
Sea level pressure: 1011 mb
Present weather: Very foggy with small swells
Temperature:  46 deg. wet/dry 46 deg.

Launch boat in action in Wrangell Narrows

Launch boat in action in Wrangell Narrows

Science and Technology Log 

Yesterday I was invited out on a boat launch with LTJG Abigail Higgins, Junior Survey Tech Tonya Watson, and Deck Utility Man Kenneth Keys.  We were sent out to set a couple of buoys to mark locations where divers from the RAINIER could go down later in the day and take a closer look at some peculiar features from the sonar soundings.  We also had to run a couple of survey lines around an object near Petersburg Harbor on something peculiar Captain Guy Noll had spotted in the sonar record.  I was able to pilot the launch for part of the trip and DU Keys gave me a quick course on navigation around marked points in the Wrangell Narrows.  This was really cool!  LTJG Higgins showed me how the boat collects data to take back to the RAINIER where it is processed to be used on navigation charts.

When on a boat launch you may have to take lunch with you because you will not be back to the RAINIER in time for lunch. The skies were clear and full of intense Alaskan sunshine, which makes it feel warmer than the actual temperature outside. It was a beautiful day enjoyed even the more by having lunch on the boat. When the launch boat returns to the RAINIER the data is downloaded to the ships computers where it is processed so that charts and graphs can be made or updated. Below physical scientist Shyla Allen from the Pacific Hydrographic Branch assist ENS Laurel Jennings in making plans for running lines at the next stop near Sitka. ENS Jennings is in her first year on the RAINIER and a part of the NOAA officer corps aboard the RAINIER.

Crunching the numbers are: Shyla Allen (back) and ENS Laurel Jennings (front)

Crunching the numbers are: Shyla Allen (back) and ENS Laurel Jennings

Personal Log 

Today was an absolutely beautiful day in SE Alaska.  I really enjoyed working with the survey technicians and people aboard the RAINIER.  I have learned much more than I thought ever existed when comes to navigating the waters, coastlines, and harbors of Alaska. Today we are traveling to Biorka Island, which is northwest of where we were the previous week.

Questions of the Day 

When approaching a green buoy from sea in a channel in North America which side should your boat approach on?

When approaching a red buoy from sea in a channel in North America which side should your boat approach on?


Plot a course if you were the pilot of the RAINIER that you would follow from Wrangell Narrows near Petersburg to Biorka Island.

Jeff Lawrence, May 26, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 26, 2006

several of the deck crewmembers recovering RA 1 back to the RAINIER for the day.

several of the deck crewmembers recovering RA 1 back to the RAINIER for the day.

Weather Data from Bridge
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Wind direction: 70 degrees ENE
Wind Speed:  3 knots
Sea level pressure: 1016 mb
Present weather: overcast 1400’ clouds above ground
Temperature:  50 deg. wet/dry 52 deg.

Science and Technology Log 

Today the ship will raise anchor and head for Biorka Island.  First the crew will have to secure the temporary tide station equipment and make sure all the lines have been completed for the Wrangell Narrows.  While onboard I have had the chance to meet all of the crew of the RAINIER. The Chief Boatswain is Steve Foye and he has been a part of NOAA for 20 years now. He has served on many ships and is now on the RAINIER.  His duties include making sure all boat launches are conducted in a timely and safe manner.  When boats finish their day Steve and his crew are responsible for getting the boats back onboard the RAINIER for the night.  They also make sure the boats are fueled and ready for the next days work. Without Steve and the other deck hands little would get accomplished throughout the day. Steve is chief of the deck and is helped by

  • Able Bodied Seamen: Leslie Abramson, Jodie Edmond, and Jonathan Anderson
  • Ordinary Seamen: Dennis Brooks and Megan Guberski
  • General Vessel Assistant: Kelson Baird
  • Deck Utility Man: Kenneth Keys
  • Seaman Surveyors: Carl Verplank and Corey Muzzey
  • Boatswain Group Leader: Erik Davis
Steve Foye, Chief of the Deck Crew and admirer of nature!

Steve Foye, Chief of the Deck Crew and admirer of nature!

As you can tell it takes a lot of people working together to make sure the RAINIER gets boats in and out of the water, to their destinations, and ready for the next day.  The crew aboard the RAINIER are very skilled in what they do. Steve is also very interested in the local wildlife, marine mammals, and fauna of the Alaskan coastline.  He has had many years of experience in identifying the wildlife of this area. Anytime there happens to be wildlife near the ship, Steve is quick to tell me about it so that I can photograph the animals.  Chief Foye has a wealth of documents from the Alaskan Wildlife and Fisheries Department that help to identify the varying wildlife in the area. While onboard the RAINIER I have had the opportunity to view three Northern Sea Lions, two Alaskan Black Bears, numerous Sitka Black-Tailed Deer, a Dall’s Porpoise, many species of ducks and other birds, including the American Bald Eagle. I’ve only been aboard for 5 days and have taken numerous photos of local wildlife that I can share when with students when I return to Oklahoma.  Chief Foye has sat down with me to help me identify all the wildlife I’ve seen so far and pointed out some that he still expects to see on our way to Biorka Island.

Tomorrow we leave for Biorka Island and I am told that there is a good chance we will spot various species of porpoises and maybe a few whales. We should arrive at Biorka Island sometime Saturday afternoon where the crew will begin readying their plans for running lines of that area.

Personal Log 

Today I roamed through the ship talking to people aboard the RAINIER with various jobs. I learned many specifics about each of the crew and their responsibilities and also learned a little about them personally. The RAINIER has a good mix of people who seem to work well together.  All the crew’s members have treated me very well and I am enjoying my time aboard the RAINIER.

Questions of the Day 

Can you name 10 marine mammals that can found in Alaskan waters sometime throughout the year?

Can you name land mammals that can found in Alaska?

Can you name 10 bird species that live or migrate to Alaska?

Jeff Lawrence, May 25, 2006

NOAA Teacher at Sea
Jeff Lawrence
Onboard NOAA Ship Rainier
May 22 – June 2, 2006

Mission: Hydrography survey
Geographical area of cruise: Alaska
Date: May 25, 2006

Photo of ENS Nathan Eldridge logging weather data from the  RAINIER to be sent into NOAA for weather analysis of the area.

ENS Nathan Eldridge logging weather data to be sent to NOAA for analysis of the area.

Weather Data from Bridge as of 0730 Hours 
Visibility: 10.0 miles/16.1 Km
Wind direction: calm/no wind
Wind Speed:  calm
Sea level pressure: 1015 mb or 29.97 inches
Present weather: scattered cirrocumulus clouds, lots of sun
Temperature:  48 deg. wet/50 deg. dry

Science and Technology Log 

After completing breakfast I spent the rest of the morning on board the RAINIER and visited with the crew on some of their duties on the ship.  At 1000 hours I had a briefing on the bridge with Nathan Eldridge on how the RAINIER collects weather data every six hours that it then sends to NOAA so that, the data can be used by meteorologists for weather observations and predictions. Nathan has been aboard the RAINIER since Nov. of 2005, so this is his first full season at sea.  Nathan is an ensign signified by the acronym ENS.  He attended the NOAA Corp’s program for officer training before coming aboard the RAINIER.

ENS Sam Greenaway explains navigational charts.  Navigation is crucial to the ships success through the  Alaskan waterways.

ENS Sam Greenaway explains navigational charts. Navigation is crucial to the ships through the Alaskan waterways.

ENS Sam Greenaway has been aboard the RAINIER since Nov. of 2004.  Sam is the ships navigation officer and plots paths through the Alaskan waterways.  There are many things to read on a navigational chart, a good understanding of the charts allows Sam to plot a safe and direct path to the location at which the RAINIER will anchor next.  The ship will be leaving Wrangell Narrows for the Biorka Islands in the next day or so.

Personal Log 

Last evening I was invited by the XO, Julia Neander and AB Leslie Abramson to go kayaking in the Wrangell Narrows just before dusk.  The water was calm and the sun was slowly disappearing behind the snow-capped mountains.  The trip was very tranquil and serene. I enjoyed the experience immensely.  The crew aboard the RAINIER are very helpful and assist me in any way they can to make my stay as enjoyable and productive as possible. 

Questions of the Day 

What is the Beaufort scale and how is it used? What is the difference between a nautical mile and a statute mile? What is the difference in speed between miles per hour and knots per hour? What is the length of a fathom?

Kayaking excursion enjoyed after hours by some of RAINIER’S crew.  In photo are the XO, Julia Neander and AB Leslie Abramson.  Photo was taken by TAS Jeff Lawrence on the evening of May 24th in the Wrangell Narrows off the Alaskan coastline.

Kayaking excursion enjoyed after hours by some of RAINIER’S crew. In photo are the XO, Julia Neander and AB Leslie Abramson. Photo was taken by TAS Jeff Lawrence in the Wrangell Narrows