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Join us on October 30 for an Open House
Upcoming Board of Directors Meeting & WCTF Advisory Committee Meeting
Summer 2012 Workforce Quarterly Newsletter
Training Program "Helped the Job Find Me"
Schedule of Regional Events - Skills Gap: Supply and Demand in the Massachusetts Economy
Workshop Materials from CWC Workforce Development Conference
Labor Market Trends in the Boston/Metro North Region
Labor Market Trends in the Berkshire Region
Empower Your Future: The Massachusetts Department of Youth Services Detention Programs Curriculum Guide
Labor Market Trends in the Metro South/West Region
FY2011 Regional Workforce Investment Profiles for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Measuring Business Impact in Workforce Development (Presentation) @ New England NAWDP Conference
YouthWorks 2011 Databook
WCTF Addressing the Middle Skills Gap Grant Program
Workforce Training Fund Program
Summer Jobs for Youth Provide Invaluable Working Experience

Last summer, YouthWorks funding has provided close to 3,000 young people across the state with summer employment. Job placements include administration, organic farming, landscaping and many others. In addition to work placements, participants also receive career readiness training, resume and job search help and other services.

Upcoming Events - Skills Gap: Supply & Demand in the Massachusetts Economy

Join us to learn about and discuss your region’s labor market challenges and opportunities. At each event, we will be releasing new labor market supply and demand data. The labor market profiles provide a detailed picture of your region’s current and future labor supply. Labor Market Trends is a joint project of Commonwealth Corporation and the New England Public Policy Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

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About the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund

The Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund (WCTF) was created to develop training pipelines to meet the skill needs of businesses in high demand occupations. Through the Economic Development Act passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Patrick in August, the WCTF was recapitalized with a $5 million appropriation from the General Fund. We will be issuing a Request for Proposals in October 2012 to award these funds. Please check back for more information and to download the Request for Proposals.

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Commonwealth Partnership for Economic Opportunity

The Commonwealth Partnership for Economic Opportunity (CPEO) works to address Massachusetts's critical need to build the capacity of a range of organizations (community, faith-based and state agencies) to coordinate workforce development programs and support services so that low-income adults and youth who are not engaged in school or work will have access to the tools and resources they need to enable them to compete for jobs in our knowledge-based economy.

Commonwealth Corporation Presented at 9th Annual Commonwealth Workforce Coalition Conference

On May 14th, Commonwealth Corporation presented multiple workshops at CWC’s annual conference in Sturbridge, MA. Workshops included measuring business impact in workforce development, using the Empower Your Future Curriculum in youth employment programs, and pathway system-building and employer engagement in a youth manufacturing pilot.

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