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Program Statistics

Summary of Premiums and Losses

Crop Year

As of May 9, 2016

Premiums 2/


Loss Ratio
Dollars (Billion) Percent
2010 7.60 4.25 56
2011 11.97 10.87 91
2012 11.11 17.44 157
2013 11.81 12.08 102
2014 10.07 9.12 91
2015 9.75 6.13 63

1/ Crop year is year commodity is harvested.
2/ Premium listed contains both the producer paid premium and the federally subsidized portion of the premium.

Source: Summary of Business as of May 9, 2016

Crop Year Statistics as of May 9, 2016

Category 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number (Million)
1.14 1.15 1.17 1.22 1.21 1.20

Farmer Paid Premium
Dollars (Billion)
2.89 4.51 4.13 4.51 3.86 3.67
Premium subsidies 4.71 7.46 6.98 7.30 6.21 6.08
Total premium 7.60 11.97 11.11 11.81 10.07 9.75
Indemnities 4.25 10.87 17.44 12.08 9.12 6.13
Insurance protection 78.09 114.21 117.14 123.78 109.88 102.40

Loss ratio
56 91 157 102 91 63

Decrease in premium and indemnities during the last two fiscal years is due primarily to the decrease in crop prices. Lower prices generally result in lower premiums. Lower lose ratio attributes to lower indemnity payments for last two fiscal years. Lower losses are due to better weather and a decrease variability in prices between the beginning and ending of the growing season.

Source: Summary of Business as of May 9, 2016

Note: For weekly updates, please see the Summary of Business.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact RMA Public Affairs.