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  • Ambassador Visits Chengdu August 2016

    Ambassador Visits Chengdu August 2016

    Ambassador Baucus strolled Jinli Old Street, enjoyed Chengdu Culture and attended the swearing-in ceremony. He visited the Flying Tigers Museums and met with high school students.

    ALSO:  Story
  • Ambassador Baucus gives speech to high school students in Chengdu.

    Ambassador Baucus gives speech to high school students in Chengdu.

    Ambassador Baucus personally congratulated the high school students who earlier this year competed in a debate contest with teams from the U.S. as part of the U.S.-China Sister Cities Youth Debate Challenge.

    ALSO:  Story
  • 2016 U.S. Sports Envoy Soccer Program in Tibet

    2016 U.S. Sports Envoy Soccer Program in Tibet

    United States Sports Envoys Lauren Gregg and Linda Hamilton, who were part of the victorious U.S. National Team in the first ever Women’s World Cup held in Guangzhou in 1991, worked with Tibetan soccer coaches and players in Lhasa in May 2016.

    ALSO:  Photos
  • U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew attends G-20 in Chengdu

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew attends G-20 in Chengdu

    From July 23-24, 2016, the G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting was held in Chengdu.


  • Secretary Kerry's Travel to France, Mongolia, and China

    I’d like to thank State Councilor Guo for hosting us here today for our second High-Level Dialogue on Cybercrimes and Related Issues. Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Lynch regret that they cannot be here with us. They are managing the U.S. response to the tragic events in Orlando.


  • Chengdu Students Celebrate Christmas in the IRC
    Chengdu Students Celebrate Christmas in the IRC

    Responding to a request from the SuperStar Reading Academy for a Christmas-themed program, IRC Director Li Chengwen and Professional Associate Heidi Hartman teamed up to host a group of third-grade students for an afternoon of cultural activities in the IRC.  

  • Chengdu PAO Reminds Kunming of a Shared History and Calls for the Building of a Common Future
    Chengdu PAO Reminds Kunming of a Shared History and Calls for the Building of a Common Future

    Dec. 21, Kunming – On the 75th anniversary of the first battle the American Flying Tigers fought in China during WWII, Public Affairs Officer Keith Lommel delivered remarks at the opening ceremony of an exhibit featuring photographs by American Flying Tiger R.T. Smith during his time in Kunming as part of the American Volunteer Group of fighter pilots.  

  • Kicking Off the Holiday Season with an American Holiday Classic
    Kicking Off the Holiday Season with an American Holiday Classic

    Dec. 15, Chengdu – This month’s movie night featured a fun introduction to the Christmas holiday in the United States. The screening of The Grinch attracted young Chinese people interested in American holiday culture and pop culture and sparked a discussion about the meaning of Christmas and traditional American holiday stories.  

  • RELO Discussion Puts English Learning Resources at Audience’s Fingertips
    RELO Discussion Puts English Learning Resources at Audience’s Fingertips

    Dec. 7, Chengdu – Regional English Language Officer Dawn Rogier and Cultural Affairs Assistant Han Fei teamed up to introduce a host of English-learning resources at this week’s English Corner. Rogier and Han Fei led an interactive discussion with students and teachers of English to illustrate effective and creative English learning techniques. 

  • American Entrepreneur Promotes Tourism that Preserves Chinese Culture
    American Entrepreneur Promotes Tourism that Preserves Chinese Culture

    Nov. 30, Chengdu – PAS welcomed Brian Linden, founder and proprietor of the Linden Centre in Dali, Yunnan, to speak about cultural preservation and sustainable tourism for this week’s English Corner. Speaking from the perspective of a Westerner who has lived and worked in China over the course of decades, and who admires and wishes to share Chinese culture with others 

News About East Asia & The Pacific From Washington


  • Job Opportunities

    If you are interested in applying for a position at U.S. Consulate General Chengdu, please follow the link for details.

English Corner

  • Wednesday Lecture Schedule
    Wednesday English Lecture
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12
    Combatting Narcotics Addiction in the U.S.
    Dominic Royce, Consulate Staff
    October 12

    Academic Freedom and Its Limits in America

    Mark Frank, Fulbright Fellow and PhD Candidate at University of Illinois

    14:30-16:00, January 25 Wednesday

  • Movie night
    Movie Night

Consulate Library

  • Consulate Library

    Hours of Operation

    Please bring your photo ID to enter the library. The library will be closed on American and Chinese holidays.



Consular Section's Sina Weibo




2016 U.S.-China Tourism Year


  • Zou Qi, Meiguo!

Emergency Contact

  • U.S. Citizen Services If you are an American citizen in China with an after-hours emergency, please call 010-8531-4000.  If you are calling from the United States, dial (011-8610) 8531-4000.

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