About International Contracting

Non-U.S. sources compete for DoD business and play a significant role in performing DoD contracts, as both prime contractors and subcontractors. This should be expected in a system where full and open competition is the statutory standard and the policy is to seek world class solutions that provide best value to the warfighter and the taxpayer. However, access to the U.S. defense market is complicated by many laws and rules that prevent or discourage DoD use of non-U.S. products (e.g., Berry Amendment restrictions, Buy American Act, and Small Business Act preferences) or prevent or impair the ability of non-U.S. entities to perform defense work (e.g., national disclosure policy, export controls on information and technology). The job of DPAP's International Contracting staff is to facilitate implementation of U.S. laws and Department policies affecting foreign participation while maintaining constructive relationships with foreign partners. Reciprocity is key. Openness of foreign defense markets to U.S. industry and U.S. access to leading edge foreign technology depends in part on DoD's procurement system being as transparent and open as possible.


  • Facilitates implementation of laws and policies regarding foreign participation in DoD procurements
  • Performs Country Desk Officer role with regard to countries whose governments or industries have or seek involvement in DoD procurements
  • Manages bilateral Reciprocal Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Memoranda of Understanding with allied and friendly nations
  • Liaisons with U.S. Trade Representative, State Department, and Commerce Department on trade agreements and their government procurement provisions
  • Manages collection of data and reports to Congress regarding performance of DoD contracts by non-U.S. sources
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